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Shoko ran along the long corridors, rushing towards the medical rooms. The sight in front of her made her press her lips tightly. The two boys were laid on the bed, their bed sheets getting more red as the time passes.

The doctors rushed as they treated them. As she started to work on them another strecher was brought in, making her hands tighten but she didn't ponder anymore and quickly began her duty.


Geto quickly made his way towards them, his breathing heavy, body rigid and eyes frantic. A sight that was seen once on that fateful day...
He composed himself before pushing the doors open.

He let out a shaky breath at the sight of her. He took tentative steps as he slowly approached her.The dark circles under his eyes more prominent.

His knuckles whitened as he saw how she laid there.A mask attached on her face to help her breath. Head to toe wrapped in bandages. Beeping of the heart monitor beside her was the only indication that she was still alive.

She was on the brink of death as they brought her. There wasn't anything they could do to help her anymore... It was up to herself and the medicines to work their magic.

It was a daily occurrence to see sorcerers dying and getting heavily injured.., but he couldn't bring himself to calm his heart. He was too scared.

Geto softly took her hands in his and lightly squeezed it, kissing her knuckles." You did so well smart...Don't worry,i won't scold you when you wake up. I'll take care of the rest, yeah?" His voice was just a whisper as he took in her condition.

A sense of coldness passed through his body and his face went blank. He moved to the next room and walked towards the boy.

Nanami sat on a stool,  covering his eyes."It was supposed to be an easy mission to exterminate a second-grade curse spirit! Damn it!"
He aggressively kicked another stool beside him in frustration and anger.

"Their faith in ubusunagami..... that was a local deity. That was more than a first-grade case!" He was rambling now. 'He almost lost both of his friends!' The fear and disappointment, took a great toll on him.

"You need to rest for now, Nanami. Satoru has taken up your mission" Geto said,his tone is still soft like usual,yet devoid of any emotions.

"Can't we just leave it up to him alone at this point?
If i was a bit stronger... maybe... maybe i could have saved them. Haibara will be fine now, but Izumi..?" He was shaken up by the whole scenario and that took him to his final decision if quitting.

Geto silently listened to him as he thought of them. The boy who would happily oblige with anything for the sake of non-sorcerers, would have died, if not for the timely revival by Izumi.

'This marathon game of being a jujutsu sorcerer..... If the only thing waiting at the end is a mountain of our comrade's corpses, then.... '
He felt the blood of his comrades seep into his hands and to the hallways, spreading quickly as he made up his mind.

1 week later

They had removed the oxygen mask, since Izumi was stable now. She still hasn't woken up, but she is much better now.

Geto had been busy with back to back missions, but he stayed with her silently whenever he was free.

Her eyes fluttered open blinking at the intensity of light. Her head felt heavy as she tried to move. She felt bandages on her head and arm, struggling to move her limbs.

Nanami was visiting her that day and he was relieved to see her awake. He walked towards her placing a small bouquet of lavender's on the table. On seeing him, Izumi looked at him with a weak smile and tried to move her body.

"Hey,easy... Don't put too much pressure on your arms"he helped her up by putting the pillows behind her.

" K-kento-kun.. w-water... " He nodded his head and took a glass of water from the table and gave it to her. "Let me get Shoko-san" She nodded as he moved towards the door.
Shoko left after examining her, leaving Nanami and Izumi alone.

"Are you alright, Kento-kun? She said I've been out for a week? I don't feel like I've slept that long..." Izumi smiled and gingerly stretched her uninjured arm breaking the silence.

"If being able to move and talk easily means I'm alright, then i am. And you shouldn't joke about it like that" Nanami furrowed his eyebrows at her latter comment

"Ah.. Sassy as ever..." She chuckled and coughed lightly feeling the drying still lingering in her throat.

"Isn't Yu-kun here to see me? I'm a poor injured lady-Is he okay??" Her tone became concerned as she remembered the situation they were in.

Nanami sighed as he sat on the chair near her "He's saved him." His lips lightly turned upwards as he reminded himself that they're okay.

"I just gave him the first push, he did the rest.. Do you think I'll ever let anyone give up?" She softly said as a genuine smile lit up P pher face.

"I'm sorry!! I left you alone.. I should have come back to help you! I know I'm not worth forgiving but, if only i was stronger... I could have protected you both!" Nanami held his head in his hands, bending down."I could have lost you two... "

Izumi sat there silently, letting him pour out all his thoughts, guilt and frustrations. Her palms raised his head and looked into his eyes. They were moist and vulnerable. She has never seen him like that and if god wills, she wouldn't want to see him like this again...

"You saved him.... If you hadn't rushed out, he wouldn't be with us and you know that. As for me.. I chose to help you achieve that. We have our roles to fulfill Kento-kun. Sometimes we may not like them. But i know... if you were in my place, you wouldn't think twice to do the same. So don't feel guilty.., no one blames you, hmm? Besides, you were injured too..Now give me a hug" She gestured him to get up since she couldn't and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Ow ow" She loosened her hold chuckling but still held him close. Nanami smiled as the weight on his shoulders lessened and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Just then, the door opened revealing Geto and his eyes immediately locked on hers. The forest green eyes he's been waiting to see, watched him with a smile as he walked towards her.

"Get well soon okay? I'll leave you to it. Geto-san" Nanami got up from his seat and greeted him while walking outside. Geto  gave him a nod of acknowledgement, not moving his eyes from hers.


He lightly sat beside her on the bed, making sure he didn't disturb her injuries and cupped her cheeks, softly rubbing with his thumb. "I've missed you...."


Hey guys!

Okay First of all...
We've hit over 1k reads!! I'm soooo over the moon (〃^▽^〃)

Thank you soo much, lovely people!! May you all be blessed and happy♡

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I couldn't let Yu die.. I've just been so invested in him that i can't just do it!

Thank you for reading<3

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