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As the days passed by, things began to change...

They all had fun, went on dates and joked around how they used to;yet something was missing.. Wrong..
But it looked as if no one acknowledged that or haven't even noticed yet.

"Satoru! are you off to another mission already?" Gojo tilted his head to look at his best friend as he heard his voice.

"Yeahh. Looks like the old guys want us to go on a cleansing spree"Gojo shook his head in annoyance.

"You shouldn't talk about our elders like that Satoru" The words spouted out of his mouth on habit but the smile and mirth on his face contradicted them.

Gojo smiled smugly at that."You're leaving tomorrow right?ah... I miss being free!" he tilted his head up to look at the clouds and Geto joined him as they sat on the bench nearby.

"Shouldn't you be going now?" Geto asked still looking at the clouds as Gojo made a funny face being reminded of his job.

"Tsk,fine..What kind of souvenier do you want?I'm feeling generous" He stood up and stretched his arms.

" Hmm.. Maybe something other than sweets?"Geto lightly chuckled as this was one of the times when Gojo actually asked what they wanted to have.

"'re boring Suguru. Whatever... " Gojo rolled his eyes and walked away but turned around with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oii Suguru! Kiss Izumi-chan goodbye for me, will you?!"

"Huhh! As if!! Take care of yourself idiot!" Geto yelled as he heard the boy snickering, but couldn't keep the smile off his face.

They were sent on missions more constantly. Sometimes together but mostly alone.

As he watched Gojo disappearing from his sight, the smile on his face fell slowly.
'For what?'

Izumi and Yu were sneaking around the kitchen after they returned from their tasks. Both hunting for something to munch on.

"Yu! Did you find anything there?" Izumi asked, holding a cookie in her mouth all the while looking through the lower cupboard.

"Not yet! Hmmp where do they hide these things? Oh! Hehe look what i found" He showed her a chips packet wiggling his eyebrows.
"Hey! Where did you get that?" his threw an accusatory look at her.

She looked at him sheepishly and walked towards the pack of chips hanging from his hand."Those are minor details Yu-kun. Now let's go!"
His eyes narrowed at her but complied.
They both slowly tiptoed out of the kitchen without making any noise.

"What are two doing, sneaking around like thieves??" Both of them slowly turned around at the sound and found Geto standing there with his arms crossed."Huh, nevermind"
He said as he saw the packet and cookie.

"U-uh Suguru-san" "G-geto-san"
They said at the same time and looked at each other. Geto looked at his girlfriend and her best friend with a raised eyebrow as if asking them 'what'.

Izumi cleared her thought indicating 'she got this'.
"Suguru-san.. we're not stealing! U know this is for all of us to eat when we're hungry, right? And we're doing just that..."she blinked showing her puppy eyes.

"You're right. It's for all of us" He emphasized 'all', his eyes averting from her face.

'Hmmp' finally Yu decided to use their trump card.
"Do you want some? We can share!"
He said in his usual excited tone

Geto sighed in defeat and shook his head."Fine.. but you're coming with me" He took Izumi's hand and tugged her with him.

Izumi looked at him confused and looked at Yu, who shrugged his shoulders. "Hey don't eat it without me!" She yelled but it seemed like it fell on deaf ears.

He took her towards his room and Izumi followed behind nibbling on her only cookie.
He turned around and saw her silently cursing him for not letting her 'claim their haul'.

He smiled at his adorable girl and pulled her towards him by her hand and she fell on his chest.
She looked up at him with the half eaten cookie in her mouth.

He couldn't resist the cuteness and took a bite of the cookie, cupping her cheeks. "Are you mad?" He asked as she huffed and completely stuffed the rest in her mouth and narrowed her eyes.

"Mmhm" She looked like a chipmunk munching with full cheeks and Geto couldn't take her seriously as he softly chuckled.

He slowly walked to his table and took a packet of cheese balls and gave it to her.

"Does this count as an apology?" He looked hopefully at her and she quickly shook her head in affirmation and smiled.

"Thank you Suguru-san. So.. Why did you bring me here?" She looked up from the packet as she sat on his bed.

"What? I can't spend my time with my girlfriend before i leave?" He looked at her and sat beside her.

Geto wrapped his arms around her from behind and buried his face in her hair. She snuggled in his chest and let out a satisfied sigh. They were in a comfortable silence for a while, peacefully enjoying each other's company.

But the calm atmosphere became tensed as Izumi whispered her words. "I got so scared that time when i found you...."

They hadn't talked about what happened two months ago, as his hands tightened around her and placed a comforting kiss on her temple.

Geto closed his eyes tightly and slowly opened them as the fresh memories of that day haunted him" I know... I should've been more aware of my surroundings. I shouldn't have let my guard down!"

Whatever Gojo had said,wasn't heard by him. He blamed himself for everything that had happened and then the guilt that even if he blamed himself, nothing could be fixed.

Izumi turned herself in his arms to look at him and cursed herself at the cloudy look in his eyes." Hey...I know that look...You shouldn't blame yourself Suguru-san. Fate works in much twisted ways than we can predict.You have to remember that we can't save everyone..." She cupped his face with her hands and looked directly in his eyes.

Even though scared, she was trying to reassure him. Indeed.. Some things are not in our hands, even if we try our very best and that's a fact.

"I know.. "

"Suguru-san I'm always here for know that right? You can talk to me if something's bothering you. Even if it's something minor. If not me, then someone else...

"I love you sweetheart"

He placed his hands on her face, wiping the corner of her eyes and looked at her.

Her eyes widened as she realised she was tearing up. The sincerity in his gestures and the passion in his eyes reflected the promise in his words.

Izumi threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear.
"I love you too"

And they sealed their promise with a kiss....


Hi my lovely people!

I just wanted another cute chapter as you know it's going to be down hill from here!
I hope you liked this chapter ♡( ◡‿◡ )

Thank you for reading<3

Reasons (𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘍𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora