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It's been 5 days since Geto went missing...
Investigations were going on at the location of the village, or what 'used be a village'. It was beyond recognition, covered in ashes and broken building parts.

Izumi was beyond scared, but she  has to believe in him. She had to be strong! and never loose hope! He would come back to her.....

But all of it came down crumbling, as she heard about the report. Without anymore thoughts in mind, her feet carried her quickly towards a direction, where she was sure, the things she had heard would immediately be shut down as false...

But unknowingly some traitorous tears fell from her forest green eyes. She ran as her long hair fluttered against the wind, searching for the one person who could give her answers.


Among the corridors, stood Gojo Satoru as he looked at his teacher in disbelief. His iridescent orbs widening.


*Sigh* "Don't make me repeat myself. Suguru killed everyone in the village and—"
Yaga sensei thought Gojo hadn't listened clearly and repeated his words with great difficulty as Geto was one of his dear students, but was cut off by a rage filled Gojo in denial.
"I heard you the first time. That's why i said, 'Huh?' "

Yaga disregarded his tone change since he understood where he was coming from and continued providing information.

"Suguru's old home was already an empty husk, as well. Though, from the blood stains and residuals, he most definitely killed his parents, too—" Gojo cut him off again as he couldn't stand his teachers words.

"Like hell he did!!"

Gojo yelled and had his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes scrutinized his teacher as if to stop him from spewing any more lies about his bestfriend. His knuckles whitened as he fisted his hands, drawing blood.

"Satoru" Yaga looked defeated as he too, couldn't accept what he just said. "I don't understand what's going on either". He placed his hand on his head in frustration and clenched his teeth.

They both turned their head behind Gojo as they heard someone. Izumi looked at them, eyes confused, breathing heavily. Her calm and composed nature they've seen so far, long gone.
Gojo gulped feeling a sense of dread, as he thought about how he would be able to tell her.....

She slowly walked towards them, her eyes filled with questions. Yaga patted Gojo's shoulder to reassure him and left, giving them space.

Gojo didn't know where to start. He himself was in denial. It broke him too much when he heard it from his teacher and he could only imagine, how much it would effect her.

They were silent for a while as Gojo prepared himself. His eyes found hers awaiting something to fall from his lips. Straightening himself, Gojo took in a deep breath.

"Suguru..... b-betrayed us.."

A single sentence was all it took for the reality to sink in. And it took everything in him to say it out loud.He saw the tremble in her eyes and lips.

"I'm sorry Izumi-chan, but i c-can't right now" Gojo apologized as he walked away, restless.

Izumi stood there motionless as an image of Geto looking at her with his charming smile came to her mind. 'He can't be behind something like that' but then she remembered the conversation she had with him that day, how his ideology changed....

She slowly walked towards her room in a daze and sat on her bed. 'Get a grip on yourself Izumi' she slightly slapped herself and drank a glass of water. Her eyes still brimmed with unshed tears but somewhere deep inside.. She felt relieved, that he was okay. But still-

Reasons (𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘍𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯) Where stories live. Discover now