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Everything was happening so quickly. One moment they were all happily mingling with others and the next, they were in the middle of a war.

Shibuya was a nightmare filled with cursed spirits and transfigured humans. A veil was drawn that trapped the people who arrived there to celebrate Halloween.

Bloodshed was everywhere....how cruel the world has become. It was even more excruciating as she couldn't mourn their deaths. Her comrades, her students, her brother...

It was a tragedy that she could sense the vitality of the people with her nature's essence.

Amidst the chaos, she was thrown in a different area. Another veil but a smaller one.

Everything paused for a moment. "Izumi-san! I've been waiting for you!" He waved his hand in front of her, giving her the same smile she used to adore.
But something about it was different this time....

Izumi just stood there frozen, her mouth opened to say something but something clogged in her throat making her unable to do so.

"Will you trust me and be mine?"

"Take care of yourself for me sweetheart"

"What? I can't spend my time with my girlfriend before i leave?"

"I'm the one who's hurting you so much huh..?"

" I love you sweetheart..."

Before she could think about it, her legs moved on their own taking her towards the man and her eyes became moist.

"S-suguru-san..." A soft whisper came from her lips and unknowingly a hand rose to cup his face.Maybe it was her aching heart that reminded her of the pain she had felt when she lost him.Her actions halted and took a step back, looking at the man with caution.

Maybe it was a dream. But her Suguru wouldn't greet her like that. So cold and detached...

"What's wrong Izumi-san? It's me"

She slowly shook her head and asked with clenched teeth"Who are you?"

"Don't be like that sweetheart.. That hurts" Kenjaku feigned sadness placing his hands on his heart.

Izumi sucked in a deep breath hearing the familiar nickname.
"Stop! Who ever you are. You have no right to insult his memory! And don't call me that!"

Kenjaku just shrugged his shoulders pursing his lips. "Oh? How insensitive of me. I just wanted to talk... Himura Izumi"
He raised his head and gave a bored look. "To see that the powers of the Himura clan have been passed down to a mere sorcerer. What a shame" He sighed in disappointment.

Izumi's shoulders tensed and narrowed her eyes at him. She knew it wasn't him talking to her, but the voice...oh how much she missed it.
"That wasn't the answer to my question.Who are YOU!?"

Kenjaku turned around facing away from her and looked back with a sinister smile. "I don't have to answer your every question.Afterall, you're just another worthless sorcerer.

" You are a blessing indeed" Geto mumbled slightly to himself .

Suddenly his own hand lifted itself and harshly scratched his lips.

Kenjaku quickly held the hand as it kept trying to get out of his grip and looked at it surprised. Fresh claw marks can be seen around his mouth, blood lightly seeping from it.

Izumi's heart skipped a beat as she thought of Geto. 'Was that her Suguru? Is he somewhere in there? No..... That can't be. She was there! She had felt his warmth leaving his body as she held him close to her....The way the grip of his hand on her's loosened....'

Countless possibilities went through her mind as she watched the struggle come to an end.

"Well well well... I didn't expect that again. You two are something huh? The same thing happened with Gojo Satoru before he got imprisoned" Kenjaku looked at the curse beside him and then at izumi.
"There are these strong emotions and memories that I've gotten with this body and that, is delaying me from killing you. However..... It can't stop me from hurting you.. very badly..."

Before she could realise, she was left alone with none other than a cursed spirit that had a volcano on its head. (Please Imagine that he hasn't been killed)

"Oii Geto! You can't use me to dispose of your playthings!" Jogo grunted and looked at the woman in disgust.

Izumi looked around searching for the raven haired man but there was no trace of him. She looked at her new opponent and fisted her hands.

Izumi was at the obvious disadvantage since they were both element users. But she wouldn't go down without a fight. If this was it for her, then why not go crazy!


Kenjaku looked at the endless dark sky. It was calm in contrast to the utter chaos that was happening below.
"You did land yourself a fine one. But.. That was the beginning of your mistake. A weakness" He said to no one in particular.

Kenjaku looked behind as he felt another presence. There stood Jogo with a bored look in his eyes. Kenjaku smiled as he watched the cursed spirit.

"Looks like she definitely did a number on you"

Jogo scoffed as he brushed away the dust on his shoulder. "That annoying woman! tsk"

"Now that it's settled, let's begin the next part of the plan" Kenjaku walked ahead with a sinister face and Jogo followed him.

"Did you miss me sweetheart?"

"I did. Sooo much"

Geto wrapped his arms around Izumi and placed his chin on her head.

"I didn't think I'll be seeing you here so soon" A deep voice interrupted.
Izumi turned her head towards the man who had a hand in his pocket.



"Oh kugisaki...
So we've all completed our roles in this huh" Izumi looked at her loved ones with a melancholic smile.

"It's their turn to stop whatever is coming. I'm sure they can handle it" Nobara looked at them proudly making the others smile. "Now who wants a kitkat?"


Hey guys!

Thank you so much for all the love you've given to this book╥﹏╥ 
I couldn't have done this without you guys!

I didn't know how to write the ending since it is ongoing and I'm a person who loves to spoil things. So I'm packing it here(ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

Thank you for reading<3

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Reasons (𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘍𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯) Where stories live. Discover now