Year Two

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- Moon

Sadness engulfs me completely. The look in Qibli's eyes when he said I love you is enough for me to break.

He looked like somone just took everything from him. I sat staring at the floor in the wagon beside Kinkajou.

I brought my legs up to my chest and let out a shaky sigh. Kinkajou placed her hand on my shoulder.

" Moon, I'm so sorry." she said quietly. I took in a sharp breath. " I don't know what to do. I don't even know whag to think right now." I said softly.

She nodded. " I know it's the last thing you want to hear, but I really do understand your pain."

She's not lying. She was separated from Turtle.

I nodded. " I can't get that feeling to go away. It won't just leave me be. It drags me down and makes me want to cry forever." I said quietly.

Kinkajou nodded understandingly. " I just wish I could stay with him. It feels like the moment he is around I can do anything." I explained.

" It felt like I could breathe properly, think, feel. All of it." I said softly. " You will see him again. Don't worry Moon." she said reassuringly.

I nodded subconsciously.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the letter from the first day.

Qibli told me to read it. He said that he had nothing to hide.

I read the section in him.

His original family includes, his grandfather; Vulture, mother; Cobra, brother; Sirroco, and sister; Rattlesnake.

All a very dangerous family. Cobra teaching her children dangerous skills.

Qibli being the youngest was overlooked. A year before Queen Thorn took him in he changed.

He become deadly smart. Brave and strong. Word in the street was that he himself was by far the most dangerous in the family.

Cobra and Vulture were proud. Proud he was learning well. He become deadly. Violent.

One day Queen Thorn caught him fighting another Sandwing. She took him in. Taught him the right way to be.

Most Sandwings still cower in fear at the mention of his name.

My mouth went dry. People are afraid of Qibli? That is shocking.

I had no idea that he was dangerous. Now I know why he was glad when I didn't read it.

Back then I would have cowered away too. But I know him too well. I trust him and I know he is different now.

I felt tears rising to my eyes.

Now is not the time to cry Moon. Pull yourself together.

I took in a deep breath and looked around. I watched the mountains slowly go by as the wagon moved along.

What would father do? If he had been taken away from mother. Would he cry and be useless? Or would he get up and get through whatever is needed to be done to get back to her.

I already knew the answer.

I will get through this year without Qibli. And the moment I see him again I will know it was all worth it.

No matter what I will get back to him.

" Kinkajou what was Queen Grandeur like?" I blurted. Kinkajou gave me a weird look.

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