
149 2 17

- Qibli

My head is pounding and everything feels stiff. I open my eyes slowly and see bright lights. Immediately I hear lots a gasps.

I blink a couple times to fix my blurry stare. Memories hit me hard.

I saw her. Moon she was there. Or maybe I was picturing what I wanted to see. I was dying. Speaking of which, am I dead?

I groan as I sit up. I am laying in a cot in a tent. People rush around me quickly. Finally a man comes up to me a feels the viens on my wrist.

He places his hand over my heart and grins. "So, Qibli. Your head must hurt quite a bit. But other than that, you're quite lucky to be alive without any permanent damage." he says to me. I stare at him blankly.

"You were stabbed in your lower stomach. It's a miracle you're alive at all. Somehow after you became unconscious your heart kept beating." he explains.

"Welcome back to the world."

What does that mean?

After ten minutes of me looking around confusidly I see a familiar face. Deathbringer and Glory rush into the tent.

Deathbringer gives me a huge bear hug immediately. I was about to ask where Moon was when I remembered she died.

I bite my lip hard and hold on to the emotions. Deathbringer looks different, older. War must change people.

Looking af Deathbringer I can see similarities to Moon in his face. It makes me want to cry. A couple tears escape my eyes.

"I miss her." I whisper. Deathbringer frowns and glances at Glory. She shakes her head and Deathbringer nods.

"I know we all do. But we have lost more people. That battle where you were injured. Kinkajou was killed as well." Deathbringer says.

It seems unreal. Like everyone I care about is actually dead. Am I being targeted or something? I don't cry. But it stings alot.

"She was killed by an animus named Turtle." Deathbringer adds.

Oh my god. Turtle, the Seawing prince she loved. That's horrible.

"We caught him about a year ago." I stare at him wildly. "A year?" I choke out. He nods.

"Qibli, you've been in a coma for a year and six months." Glory tells me. My breaths become shallow.

Thats why they look older. Thats why everytime I move it feels like I'm moving a rock. I managed to live without Moon for that long knowing she's dead?

Again everything felt so unreal. "What else happened?" I ask. Deathbringer glances at Glory again.

She sighs. "Not yet." Glory tells him. I'm too tired to ask.

"Winter was killed by an animus. And we are winning the war right now." Glory says. I nod slowly.

How many people have died?

"Princess Sunny is going to be queen of the Sandwings in just a year." Deathbringer adds. I smile weakly. Sunny might just stop all Sandwing children from fighting when she becomes queen.

The doctor walks in again. "Well, his wounds are definitely healed. But his mental space isn't whag I would call clear. Save the really emotional news for later when he can comprehend it better. I would say you can leave here tonight. You should be thinking clearly by tomorrow morning." the doctor says.

I nod and lay my head back down. Deathbringer grins. "Ready to go home buddy?" I sigh.

More like go to a house. Home is the place where the people you love are. Right now the one I love most is dead. How do I live like that?

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