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This chapter is dedicated to @eviekravenclaw they made this amazing book cover at the top! Sadly I can't add it as the cover cause it won't let me ): but thank you Evi!

- Moon

My mind raced with possibilities.

Could this work? Could we end the war?

This would idea had more possibilities than anything I had ever dealt with. The room was dead silent.

But I felt like someone was screaming at me in every direction at the top of their lungs.

Almost instantly me and Darkstalker had our hands over our ears. All I could see was death. It seemed there was no ending to this idea.

I could hear death. Sounds of blades colliding, and innocent screams echoed my mind.

The only thing I could see that was really here was Darkstalker. But that was because he was seeing the same I was, but more.

For the first time, Darkstalker was overwhelmed by the visions. It was too much. Usually he handled them well. They never took him by surprise.

I'm surprised he didn't see Qibli suggesting this.

I could barely feel someone touching me. My guess it was Qibli trying to get me to calm down. It was a vague feeling.

I attempted to concentrate. That was when I knew we were doomed.

There are ten paths. All of which are extremely clear. More paths are forming by the second. Each as clear and possible as the last.

There was no highest chance. Predicting the end of this was impossible. Only one I found refuge in.

The one where we decided not to do this. I searched that in an attempt to escape my current state.

Darkstalker did as well. It worked.

Everything came back into view. I wrapped my arm around the nearest thing for support.

Everyone stared at us confusidly. Except Deathbringer and Qibli who were panicked.

I looked around quickly. Qibli had his arm protectively around my back.

I regained my footing quickly. "It's risky." I breathed.

Qibli searched my face quickly. I turned to Darkstalker. "Did you see anything useful?" I asked.

He shook his head. I closed my eyes again preparing for the rush of visions. This time it was much calmer.

But it was the same. All of the possibilities were equally possible.

This would be a sick game of chance. Our options are life or death. And I can't predict them.

When I look back at everyone they all stare at me. "It could work." I say quietly.

"Moon what just happened to you?" Crickets asks. I sigh. Darkstalker grumbles something and takes Cricket and Blue to another room.

Queen Wasp still stands unmoving infront of us. "Moon? What are our chances?" Deathbringer asks.

I shake my head. "I don't know. There are so many paths. All are so possible. None are more likely than the last! Some don't even have an end. It just another thousand year long war." I explain.

"The only other option is to not do that." I whisper. The room falls silent.

"How is that an option? We have a chance to end this war once and for all. We have to try!" Deathbringer stresses.

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