Important News

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Ok, so alot of problems have come up.

The idea of deactivating my phone and laptop has come up from my father. It isn't because I did anything wrong but the real reason is personal and I don't want to share it with you all.

When the deactivating happens I will not be able to access this account most likely. So if I stop updating that will be why.

If you enjoy this book and it stops updating, post on my profile and say, "Please notify me when you get a new wattpad account."

If you say this I will personally notify you on my new account so you can continue reading the book. Sadly there are chances that I won't be able to get a new account as well.

But I will do what I can. Also, I have just made it onto a national club volleyball team. This team practices three times a week for two hours. Also school and homework adds up.

Updating is going to be a huge struggle. On average I have about an hour and a half each day for free time. Not everyday that will mean updating.

So life is really throwing crap in my face ):

I'm sorry about this all seriously it sucks for me too. Other than making that team that was seriously shocking and exciting.

But this doesn't mean I won't keep updating now. I will continue updating until its been deactivated. Just know it will be sudden and long because that means I have to get a new phone and laptop.

So again, I am so sorry and I hope you guys understand.

Bye guys.

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