Don't Stop Running

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- Moon

"NO! STOP IT! PLEASE! LET ME GO!" I screamed at Cobra. She just smiled at me.

Cobra pulled out a small knife. "Maybe I could just carve out your tongue so you would stop screaming. And you will be let go today anyways. You know that." Cobra mused.

My head hung low. Yeah let go today in the middle of battle. I was extremely weak and small. I lost atleast 45 pounds while being here.

Tears dropped onto the cold bloody floor. My head was pounding and my arms were cut open.

She sliced bits of my ear as well. Rattlesnake and Vulture untied my arms and legs and helped my stand.

I stumbled weakly. Walking hurt alot. Especially since I hadn't in a while.

Wincing I walked out of the hut and strong smells hit my face. It was a mixture of everything. Flowers, fruits, plants, rain, ocean, animals, and so much more.

The trees were bright green in many different vatiations. Sounds over loaded my ears. Chrips of birds. Rustling of plants in the wind.

Twigs snapping under our feet. The ocean's waves not far away. It was unbelievable.

And then it all went black.


I awoke in complete darkness. I was in a bag. My heart was pounding. I knew that they were doing.

I would see Qibli soon. Right before my actual death. Righr before I either die in battle or fall and not be able to get up. Pathetic I know.

I heard Rattlesnake's snickers as I groaned. "Don't worry the pain will be over soon." she sneered.

My heart dropped. That's right. Death was near.


Suddenly thousands of thoughts bombarded my head. I screamed instantly. After a moment I managed to block it out.

I did catch Deathbringer though.

Kill. That's what I've been trained to do. Just kill. I can't die now. I'm not ready to join Moon. Moon.

Deathbringer's thoughts fell into a mix of emotions and pictures. I shook my head to clear it all out.

Then I was tumbling out of the bag. Cobra, Vulture, Rattlesnake, and Sirroco were all sprinting away. I was close to the edge of the forrest.

Fighting was going on all around me. People with bright red hair threw small plants around me causing explosions to happen.

My ears were ringing. I heard Kinkajou.

I can be the hero today. Killing other people isn't something I want to do, but maybe I can save someone and be a hero.

I remembered Kinkajou telling me she wanted to be a hero. It was a wholesome dream. But she refused to pursue that dream by killing. I respected that.

Hastily, I stood up and almost got knocked back down again by swinging arms and weapons.

I ran towards the woods and was knocked down by a boy with brown hair and claming green eyes. He looked fidgety and nervous.

He held his hands above me as if to warn me to stop.

Whats going on? Who is this? Will she attack me? Am I going to die? As if anyone would care who I am. Just Prince Turtle nothing too important.

I tensed. Turtle. The boy Kinkajou met years ago.

Could I spell myself to be invisible.

He's an animus too.

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