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biancacortez: bananas for you❤️tagged: noahbridges

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biancacortez: bananas for you❤️
tagged: noahbridges


user1: look at that ass tho😋😻

user2: I will call you daddy!!!!!!
user3: oh Jesus Christ

user4: he is so so so hot 🥵

user5: can't believe he chose her🙄

user6: FUCK ME BRIDGES😩😫💕💕💕
user7: you guys are crazy

noahbridges: so embarrassingly in love with you❤️❤️



"Are you excited to see daddy play baseball?" I asked the little girl as I picked her up from her crib.

"You excited to see him go bananas? You daddy is a bit nuts you know. Yes he is, he is a little bit crazy." I said and kissed her little nose. I placed her in her car seat and quickly got the diaper bag and then headed downstairs. I grabbed my purse and put my shoes on. I checked myself in the mirror one last time, the banana jersey was on and Noah even fixed a little banana onesie for Sienna. Costume made of course. It stood Bridges Banana Baby on the back and number 999. Always number nine. Anything else would be horrendous.

I opened the door and walked over to the car. Buddy was of course joining as well in his banana jersey. He was the official Banana Buddy. He jumped into the trunk after I had gotten Sienna safely strapped in. I closed the trunk and sat down in the driver's seat and started driving my little family to Grayson stadium. I parked the car as I got there and got everyone out. Thank god Buddy was well trained and wouldn't run away from me, otherwise this would be a whole lot more difficult. Ever since we brought home Sienna he hasn't left her side. He sleeps by her crib, he stays by her side and just watches over her. We even have placed his dog bed in her room now. I walked onto the field to see them having their entertainment meeting.

"Aye! Look who is here, the Bridges clan." Zack said and I chuckled.

"Aw look at you, all dressed up." He said as he looked at Sienna. Noah walked over and gave me a kiss and Buddy a good pat before he picked up Sienna from the stroller. I commanded Buddy to go bananas and he started exploring the field. Noah sat down in the dugout next to his teammates who all were all over Sienna.

"She is the centre of attention." Zack said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, she is going to get so spoiled with all this attention." I said and he chuckled.

"I know she is cute guys, she really is but we have a game to focus on." Zack said.

"We can cancel it and just look at her instead or we can put Noah on a chair with her in the middle of the field and that's the show." David said and we all chuckled.

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