Chapter 4 Onward and Upward

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"Hold tight back there!" said Trose. 

My hands gripped into a patch of large feathers behind his neck, knuckles turning a ghostly white. The thought of using a saddle crossed my mind, but perhaps Trose would take offense, feeling as if he were being ridden like a horse. I tried to reassure myself that if I lost my grip, Trose's hood would be there to catch me. The sensation of our flight was akin to taking off on a 747, only with me straddling its fuselage rather than the comfort of a first-class seat. With every mighty flap of Trose's wings, I would feel an upward lift, as if going over enormous waves on a surfboard.

Slowly, I dared to peek my head up – a feeling like sticking my face out of a Formula One car going at breakneck speeds. "Where are we going?"

Trose's response rumbled like thunder beneath me. "We be needin' to reach Zion with haste, Time's ne'er on our side, aye. We be in dire danger outside the protection o' the grand city's walls."

Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but glance down. The view was was like staring out of a cockpit – a dizzying mixture of vertigo and awe. I could see a panoramic view of the skyline as we advanced. At first, the sight was overwhelming, but upon closer inspection, I found myself mesmerized. The landscapes below us were a marvel, almost too fantastical to be true. Various terrains blended seamlessly, painting a breathtaking, otherworldly tapestry beneath us.

In the dense, deciduous forest, we found ourselves surrounded by patches of mist that seemed to shimmer in hues reminiscent of the aurora borealis. With every step upward in elevation, the once-thick air grew thinner as we soared above immense rock formations. Peering between the massive boulders, I caught glimpses of creatures I had never seen before. Some had wings; others walked on all fours. Some bore an air of menace, while others seemed utterly harmless.

"I've never seen any place like this," I called out, "What is it called?"

Trose relaxed his wings and glided for a moment "Tis the Hidden Realm, a mystic place existin' between our world an' the realm o' the livin'. Its laws be ruled by the treaty bindin' the forces o' good an' evil together. An' yet, the lands inside are in a constant struggle between those blessed with the sight an' the fearsome Thorned Army."

I thought back to the thorned monster that had tried to cast me into the pit. "That beast, she's a part of the army?"

Trose gave a nod. "In this realm, she's called Briah the Garrote. Her spell, 'tis a harsh one, leavin' the soul completely defenseless as she tears the life out of her victims. In the land of the livin', you'd know her by another name."

"And what name is that?"

"Death." said Trose. 

I was taken aback. Death - surely this was just some dramatic nickname, not the actual embodiment of mortality. And yet, her presence had been the most terrifying thing I had ever faced. The sheer power she held over me made it all too clear how so many could fall prey to her wicked ways.

"But death has no place in Zion," he continued. Trose abruptly ascended through the thick fog, with visibility barely beyond my reach, as I grappled with gravity's harsh pull, struggling to hold onto him. Fearing that I might yank the feathers out of his neck, I clenched my eyes shut. Eventually, he leveled out, and I dared to open them, only to be greeted by something beyond belief.

We now found ourselves gliding gracefully above the clouds, making our way toward the base of an enormous mountain. It appeared endless, its face emanating an almost iridescent glow, reflecting a colossal ring of fire that orbited above it. Set atop the fiery ring was a magnificent golden tree, towering high above a stone-like city nestled beneath its protective canopy. As we continued our approach, the deafening sound of bells rang out from every direction, announcing our presence.

My heart hammered in my chest. "Trose," I whimpered, "hold up! This Vine... I don't know if I'm cut out for this. I need more time to think about it." 

"Isaac, me lad, we're ne'er completely ready for the anointin', yet it's meant for us to embrace it all the same."

Anointing? I hadn't asked for any of this. Who could possibly plan for such an occurrence? Whatever this Vine wanted from me, I had no desire to partake. Regardless, I found myself trapped in this otherworldly place, and perhaps he held the key to my return to the land of the living, as Trose had called it.

My background in the Marines had always ensured that I had a contingency plan in place. Taking a deep breath, I reiterated the mission to myself, Alright, objective: Find The Vine and determine a way to get out of here. 

We continued to soar above the seemingly endless stone city, with its countless towers and maze-like corridors demanding our attention. There was an unusually intense wind, which I soon realized was due to the massive windmills perched on nearly every rooftop. These windmills spun erratically, generating a whirlwind that sent the bells of the city chiming wildly. Leaves from the enormous golden tree danced on the swirling gusts, giving the entire city a dazzling, golden glow.

As we ventured deeper into the heart of Zion, a creeping sense of unease settled upon me, born from the realization that there was no life within the city's walls. The otherwise stunning landscape felt eerie and foreboding. 

"Where are all the people that inhabit—"

The cityscape abruptly ended below us. What I saw next took my breath away - and not in a good way. The heart of Zion was dominated by a gigantic circular courtyard encircling the base of the golden tree, with a sprawling metropolis stretching for miles around.

However, it wasn't the seemingly endless expanse of the city that set my heart racing in terror. As my eyes scanned the courtyard floor, I realized that it crawled with movement. Legions of creatures, eerily similar to Trose, now fixed their gaze firmly upon us.

As if sensing the collective tension in the air, Trose let out a bone-chilling screech, signaling our arrival. Almost instantaneously, the legion of winged creatures echoed the cry, unleashing a deafening sound that shook me to the very core.

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now