The Ceaseless Wind

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After a while, I was awakened by a thud that rocked me loose from my slumber as we landed. I had to reorient myself for a moment to ensure this wasn't all still just a dream. I noticed that I had drooled on Troses' wings and promptly wiped it off with my shirt. I poked my head out of his warm feathers, but all I could see was a white mass.

"Why does me back be feelin' soggy?" said Trose. 

My eyes shifted back and forth. "Must be all this flying causing you to sweat."

He twisted his head one hundred and eighty degrees, much like some birds can do, and gave me a fierce glare. It felt like something straight out of a horror movie. "Guardians don't be sweatin'".

The griffin chortled in a manner that could only be described as unique. "You lads seem to be a right good duo! Bit like my other 'alf, innit!"

"Your other half..?" I said. 

The griffin then cried out, "Oi, where you at, lift!?"

The ground began to tremble and shake beside us. I could hear it fracturing like when you step on a frozen pond that's not quite thick enough. Abruptly it started to cave in, causing the gatekeeper to leap up so we wouldn't fall. Below us was a giant circular hole with something emerging from within it.

A second splendid griffin emerged, perched upon a platform with a massive torch in its grasp. "What d'you reckon, oh guardian of the gate?" it said. 

The gatekeeper laughed once more, giving a snort. "We got two lads 'ere, needin' your services to reach Heaven's Landin'."

The platform reached the surface and locked into place, and the gatekeeper landed. Trose and I slid off, and the gatekeeper ran over to lift. They sparred like two lions would do, pinning one another to the ground and growling. After a few moments, the griffins stopped and stepped away from each other. Then lift said, "Aye, you may come in now, if you please."

"Is this how it goes every time somebody needs to use this?" I whispered to Trose.

"Griffins have only a single way of showin' respect to one another." Trose replied. 

"All in good fun, innit?" said Lift. 

The gatekeeper jumped up and hovered above us. "Keeps us prepared for anythin' that might try to come at us".

He then bolted back into the white abyss. "For Zion!"

We stepped on the platform with Lift as he pulled a giant lever to reengage it. Then, with a loud cracking sound, we began to move downward, slowly spinning around a screw-like beam that threaded through the middle of the platform. As we descended, I noticed doors appearing on the shaft bordering us. On them were various symbols and inscriptions that I didn't understand, but Lift could explain them.

"Right then," he said, "these symbols represent the different nations hidden amongst us. Each one, you see, corresponds to a specific location – a city, town, or region – where branches are preparing for a grand battle in the lands of Zion.

"Branches..?" I asked.

The griffin then pulled the lever again, making us stop in front of a massive door with a crown etched into it. Three loud knocks came from the other side almost as if it were on time. Trose and Lift walked over to the giant handles and began to pull them inward.

"This be Heavens Landin'," said Lift.

"And these would be its branches," said Trose. 

A bright beam of light beamed through the door's crack, illuminating the dark shaft. Suddenly sounds of hymns and laughter began to fill the air. On the other side, I could see them. Hundreds of them all joyously entered through the doors onto the platform, singing praises.

"They look like..."

"The Vine." said Trose.

The branches were beautiful in every way. Their features resembled those of The Great King of Zion himself. Each was dressed differently, some in royal robes, others in battle armor, and all with their eyes shining ever so brightly. My eyes locked with one of theirs and I felt a sense of peace engulf me. It was like a warm embrace from someone I had known all my life.

"Welcome," the branch said, extending its hand.

I took the hand, shaking it gently. He then smiled and continued onto the platform with the others. 

"Let's be off now," Trose said.

As we exited the platform, Lift said farewell, "May the Light of Zion guide ye, now." He pulled the lever once more and the platform elevated with all of the branches singing in concert. The doors closed, and I turned around to a breathtaking view. Somehow unbeknownst to me, we were now high above a tower overlooking a metropolis teeming with life.

The scene was spectacular, with buildings that seemed to be molded straight out of the ground. There appeared to be mound-like structures that were covered in lush vegetation and flowers. In the distance, an ocean sat on the horizon, its waves gently crashing against the shore. The sky was a perfect blue and full of clouds.

"Looks like we gotta get airborne. Not many choices, eh?" I said. 

Trose gave me a smirk, "Not quite. We have somethin' much more special in store for ye."

He led me to the edge of the tower where there was a pool of water surrounded by branches. As we approached, I could see that it was no ordinary pool - it had a glow emanating from its depths.

"Guess this is where you do your laundry, huh?" Trose looked at me, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Aye, but it's also the place where we purify our spirits and affirm our loyalty to The Vine. Even more so, it's about makin' a public proclamation, a declaration for all to witness. It's about tellin' the world that we belong to The Vine, and we are standin' proud to be so."

Branches that were still lingering for the next trip on the platform approached as Trose and I ventured towards the glowing pool. The atmosphere was electric, and an eerie quiet had fallen upon the crowd. With each step we took, the glow from the pool seemed to intensify, casting long, dancing shadows all around us. The water seemed to beckon, inviting us to partake in this solemn rite. Together, we stepped into the pool. The water seemed warm and sent a tingling sensation up my spine. With Trose by my side, I felt a sense of calm washing over me. I had a profound realization that this journey was not just about me, but about something much larger.

Trose turned to me, his eyes full of an earnest intensity, "Issac, d'ya pledge yer loyalty to The Vine?" I met his gaze and without hesitation responded, "I do." Trose then gently submerged me in the pool. As I dipped below the surface, I saw a bird-like figure soaring in the sky. Its silhouette stark against the blinding light radiating from above. 

Emerging from the water, I was met with a cacophony of cheers. The branches were clapping, their shouts of joy echoing around the tower. It was a moment of pure celebration, a moment of unity. However, the euphoria was abruptly replaced with a palpable sense of reverence. A holy hush fell over the crowd as a figure began to make its way through the throng of branches. Each branch it passed bowed deeply, their cheers quieting into whispers of awe. The figure moved with a grace and majesty that commanded respect, its presence both calming and intimidating. As it neared the pool, the light from the water seemed to reach out and embrace it, casting a radiant halo around it.

The figure was like nothing I'd ever seen. Its body was similar to that of other guardians but with the head of a white dove, so pure and pristine, that it appeared to be sculpted from the very essence of purity itself. The feathers were a sublime white, untouched by dust or decay, they radiated a glow as if absorbing the heavens' light. It moved with an elegance that reflected its transcendent nature, each motion imbued with grace. His attire was reminiscent of the Eastern samurai, an exquisite amalgamation of beauty and defense.

"Trose, who is this?"

I glanced over, seeing him down on one knee. "'Tis the ceaseless wind that roams and the untamable blaze that startles us all. A determined warrior that, when summoned, shall stand firm and never falter. He's among the trio of grand Elements, so he is."

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now