Something Can Grow

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With a forceful shove, I kicked the gnarled branch away and sprang to my feet. Wasting no time, I plunged headlong into the swirling fog, heart pounding and breath ragged. Then, suddenly, I felt another twisted limb ensnare my arm. A desperate whisper slithered through the mist, filling my ears: "I want it all and more. Nothing is ever enough. Please give me more!" Its ghostly grip tightened as if trying to peel away my armor and strip me to my core.

I broke free and sprinted until I bumped into another's backside. "In all of your days, you will never compare to me. I'm the best. Why can't you be?" It beckoned.

I stumbled backward once more, colliding with yet another stranger. He spoke, his voice tinged with bitterness and envy, "Why does he possess it, while I am left wanting? Must I always be cursed with the lesser fate?"

It lunged at me, and I stepped back, stumbling to the ground. Something grabbed my leg. It was the same branch I saw at first, now crawling on the floor.

"Loneliness consumes me, can you not see it? Terror and emptiness embrace me, never relenting!"

Their words swirled around me, haunting echoes that I could not escape. Helplessness engulfed me, leaving me weary and beaten down. Each syllable struck a chord deep within, forcing me to question how I ended up in this dire predicament. The clamor grew ever closer, their approach unavoidable, forcing me to recognize that action was necessary, and soon. As the cacophony of cries intensified, I lifted my gaze upward, desperate for guidance.

"Oak, Dove, I could use some help right now!" 

Through all the noise, I could hear Dove's distinct voice, almost as if he were beside me, "Souls can feel each other, Issac, but only few can understand. Speak the truth, and they will be drawn to it."

It made sense. The lies they spoke indicated how I felt inside. These branches were the familiar voices of people who drowned out the truth, yet their words still echoed inside me. Deep down, I knew what truth sounded like, but what did it feel like? I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and for the first time, I truly listened. I can only describe what happened next as a deep yearning to reach out and enter that pain with them.

Tears began to roll down my face as I opened them. I stretched my hand and gently placed it over the branch's arm that was still clutching my leg. As I did this, a glowing light emanated from my fingers and spread around me like an orb. I could feel his fingers wrapping around my forearm as I pulled him to his feet. The light then spread out into a separate orb that encircled him now, and it all made sense. Our souls were now touching in the presence of each other, and I could feel his inner pain.

"You don't have to be alone any longer, my friend..." I said. 

And with those words, his appearance began to change. His withering bark started to come alive with vibrant greens and oranges. I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his shoulder, "Loneliness is only a part of your story, but it does not have to be the end."

Our orbs merged into one and expanded with an almost electric charge that filled the air. As it did, the ground beneath us began to change. The dirt became soft, the fog cleared away, and I could see the other branches standing in the distance. I pulled back and looked at him, noticing a smile on his face, and I could tell he was different.

"You heard me, didn't you..? Thank you for hearing me... I've carried this for so long, but nobody cared to listen. Nobody cared to understand." He said. 

The prideful branch emerged, "You are fools. Don't you understand that our souls will never be heard? Only we can lead ourselves out of this darkness."

A gentle smile graced my lips as I shook my head. "No, my friend," I whispered, the words flowing like a tender breeze, "It's in our efforts to truly understand each other, heart to heart, that our souls find a kind of freedom. When we listen and try to see things from another's perspective, that's when the true song of the life can fill our hearts. That's the real power of following the path of truth, the love and compassion it brings to our lives and the lives of others." I paused, gazing into the distance before continuing, "Sometimes, folks might think they gotta go it alone, grit their teeth and bear it all. But hold on now, that ain't how it works... Asking for help, that ain't a sign of weakness, no sir. It's the bravest thing you can do. After all, even the strongest branch needs a little help from the rain to weather the storm, wouldn't you say?". 

As I took a deep breath, I connected the pieces of wisdom I imparted, "By reachin' out a hand, we build bridges with our brothers and sisters, and in doin' so, we start to see ourselves a little clearer too. It's like lookin' at your reflection in a pool of still water – the more ripples there are, the harder it is to see your true face. But when we connect with others, the water settles, and that's when the real you starts to shine through." 

 "Will you help me, too? I want to be free like he is." said the prideful branch. 

"You are..." Said the branch who was no longer alone, stepping forward to reach out his hand.

The prideful branch took his hand, and instantly, another orb grew around them, lighting the area. The landscape was now transforming rapidly and outwardly. The fog was slowly lifting, and the ground was alive with vegetation. The darkness in the land was beginning to fade, and the cold barrenness was replaced with warmth and light.

The prideful  branch now humbled, then nodded as if he knew what must be done and ran to the first branch he could find. Similarly, the branch that was no longer alone did the same. They began by feeling with their souls and speaking the truth into the other branches, who were transformed by the power of their words. They did this one by one until the entire valley was illuminated and the land was restored. As the light grew and the true nature of my soul was revealed, I heard the voice of Dove behind me.

"It spreads like fire, Issac. But it is only sparked by the power of truth that comes from within."

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now