The Vine

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I picked myself up and slowly turned around. Trose was no longer there, and all I could see was a vacant throne. I looked around and took inventory of all my senses. The fight or flight was still there, but something was different. The feeling of danger was not present, and I could feel a warm emotion that I hadn't felt since my father was alive.

I responded with the first thing that came to mind. "That throne is for a king..."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something to the left of the throne. It was in the great tree. Something started to grow out of it in a way that was like nothing in nature that I had seen—first, a foot followed by another. Then a torso with two arms, and finally, a face as if He were walking out of the bark.

His features were like that of a tree. Bark for skin, but with all the characteristics of a human. His head was square like a log tapered off to one side at the top. As he got closer, I saw large eyes similar to Troses. They were like star clusters that swirled and changed colors. He had a small bump for a nose and a mouth similar to a jack-o-lantern with a smirk that reminded me of my Grandfather when he took his teeth out.

He paused before me, his gaze locked onto mine. As our eyes met, a feeling of being lost overcame me, as if there was no end to the depths within His eyes. Eventually, his arm extended, and he gently placed his hand upon my chest.

"From long before your birth, Issac, a king I have made you".

At that moment, I realized what had been on my Grandfather's and father's chest and, now mine. It wasn't a dinosaur footprint. No, it was The Vine's hand with three fingers on it. He pulled His hand away, and immediately I pulled my collar down, revealing the tattoo.

"My hand has always been upon you. This is a mere reminder that you are never truly alone on your journey." He took a thoughtful pause before continuing, "And now, my friend, you have come to Me."

I gazed upon Him, my thoughts in disarray from the revelation I had just received. A gentle smile was upon His face as He turned His attention to the grand throne that stood behind Him.

"Issac, your destiny awaits you upon this seat, but it is crucial that I unveil to you the magnitude of what you stand to face."

I looked down. "I don't want this," I muttered. "I don't know what all this is about, but I just want to go home to my daughter."

Gently, he raised my head. "I understand. Being so far from your home and the ones you love is never easy, but I believe there's a deeper longing within you. And that longing is what brought you here."

As I grappled with the emotions that were consuming me, I couldn't help but acknowledge the truth of what He said. The words reverberated through my mind with painful clarity. My daughter, was undoubtedly wounded by my departure. The gnawing ache in my heart seemed to disagree with my choices, but the source of this discord remained shrouded in mystery. Why, with all the love and longing I felt for her, had I not been able to stay?

Caught in the throes of regret and self-doubt, I came to accept my role as a failed father. I had abandoned my own flesh and blood, obstinately ignorant of the ripple effect this act of selfishness would leave in its wake. The tender knowledge that my absence would weigh heavily on her innocent heart crippled me with remorse.

Utterly defeated by my own thoughts, I could no longer bear the weight that shackled me to my feet. I surrendered my body to the throne and allowed myself to sit. As my backside met the coolness of the crystal, an unfamiliar sensation stirred within the abyss of my very being; it demanded to be acknowledged.

"Close your eyes." said The Vine. 

The moment I shut my eyes, I was instantly engulfed by a torrent of vivid, flashing images. These visions were erratic, without any discernible pattern or order. They were twisted, darkened echoes of my past, pulsating and surging through the deepest recesses of my consciousness. My hands involuntarily clenched onto the throne, as if bracing for impact, as the intensity of emotions threatened to overwhelm me.

"What, dear friend, is that feeling you encounter?"

As the warm tears cascaded down my cheeks, I managed to choke out a single, emotion-laden word. "Pain".

As the visions grew more vivid and consuming, I found myself witnessing a strange amalgamation of worlds—my own familiar world, the realm of the living, blending seamlessly with my past and the strange, unfamiliar plane I now inhabited. The scene before me had transformed into a cacophony of war, with people locked in a fierce battle against hideous creatures. As the battle intensified, I realized that people were morphing into an embodiment of The Vine.

In the midst of the chaos, mighty armies clashed head-on, each side relentless in their pursuit of dominance. The battlefield soon became littered with the lifeless bodies of fallen soldiers, casualties of war piling up with every passing moment.

And then, as the dust settled and an eerie silence fell upon the battlefield, a lone figure emerged from the mayhem—Abigail. Her appearance was disheveled, fear etched into her expressive eyes. As she took in the devastation that surrounded her, the earth beneath her feet began to tremble violently. Overwhelmed and outmatched, Abigail sank to her knees, despondency consuming her as she braced herself for the arrival of an unknown, sinister entity.

Lifting her gaze, it felt as though our eyes locked and our souls connected, witnessing the unfolding terror together—a shared moment of dread and anticipation.

The soothing voice of The Vine resonated softly as if floating through the air. "Tell Me, what do your eyes behold?"

The haunting visage of the Thorn King abruptly materialized in my mind's eye, jolting me from the depths of my vision. It left me gasping for breath, a shiver running down my spine, as I tried to gather myself.

"Pure evil..." I said. 

"This is the king's dilemma, Issac- one that has led you to this very moment. It is the origin of your suffering and the challenge that now lies before you."

"How do we shut this whole thing down?" I gasped, lungs burning. "We gotta do something, now! Otherwise, it's all over!"

"Verily, no king can confront such a foe without first mastering the art of battle within this domain, and clad in the armor that bears My name."

I opened my eyes meeting His. "Ten damn years I bled, sweat, and swore to become one of the meanest killers in the best fighting force on the planet," I growled, voice steady as a rock. "Yeah, bring it on. Let's get this party started."

"Isaac, my friend, do not underestimate the importance of a king's well-being. A wounded king loses his strength and effectiveness on the battlefield."

"But I'm not..." 

The Vine slowly reached out His hand, hesitating for a brief moment, before deliberately placing his palm against my chest, just above His distinctive mark. And just like that, it felt as though someone had opened a floodgate of pain— a clamor of distinct agony, all clawing at the surface, as if it were a living, breathing entity trying to find a way to escape.

"Not in a physical manner, my friend." He said gently releasing his hand. 

"Ouch... What is that..? And... how do I make it go away?"

"You cannot," He said.

"I don't understand." 

"My dear friend, I shall send you a helper, one who shall educate you in all the teachings I have shared. When your learning reaches its completion, your path forward shall be evident." 

He threw his head back, gazing up at the vast expanse of the sky. "Trose!"

Trose landed on the deck with such a resounding force that it seemed as though Zions city walls were clapping in applause. "What is your command, my Lord?"

"Bring him to the Branches of Divinity," said The Vine. 

"Of course, my Lord." 

Eager and anxious, I mounted Trose's back, not knowing what awaited me. Yet, I trusted The Vine and sensed that my entire existence had been leading to this moment. As Trose sprang into the air, we circled the magnificent tree one last time and came to a halt above The Vine.

"Shall we meet again?" I cried out.

"I'll be with you always," The Vine said, locking His eyes with mine. "Isaac, bearing fruit is only possible when you're connected with Me. As you lift the sword in My name, you become the branch. Remember that."

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now