The Destoyer

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His size became evident as he emerged from the protective shadows. His gnarled form towered over me, thick, muscular arms extending, propelling him with frightening speed. Before I could react, he had me pinned against the cold, stone wall, his grotesque claws spanning my face down to my chest. His malicious grin stretched too wide for any natural creature, revealing rows of dagger-like teeth gleaming in the dim light. Fear coursed through me, but I refused to let it consume me - not while I still had a breath in me.

As we struggled, a grotesque change came over him. His hardened skin, once smooth and black as obsidian, started to transform. Thorns began to sprout, each one more horrifying than the last, turning his body into an abhorrent field of barbed spikes. I peered at him, my eyes meeting his from the gaps of his monstrous fingers. A sudden flash of recognition ignited within me. A memory, a whisper, a shadow from my past. I forced the words out of my tightening throat, "Who are you? I know you from...somewhere." An unsettling familiarity lingered in the air, a nightmarish déjà vu.

His laughter, a cacophony of raw, guttural sounds, ricocheted off the stone walls. "Yes, you do know me, Issac," he sneered, his voice grating, like boulders grinding against each other. His eyes glowed with a malevolent fire as he continued, "We met here a long time ago, although I was a mere whisper then, a flicker in your mind. It was my duty to ensure you never found peace, to torment your soul until it lost all hope."

A chill of realization ran down my spine, waking every nerve in my body to the grim reality. The tormentor of my past, the one who had plunged me into a vortex of despair, was now before me, baring his true form. 

"I am a disruptor of destiny and souls, a thorn assigned to you. I am, The Destroyer. " 

With a snarl, he launched me from the dank confines of the room. I was flung through the stone wall as if it were nothing more than a curtain of smoke, my body hurtling through the air until I hit the ground outside. As I crashed to the earth, I was greeted with familiar sounds. Gunfire rattled like staccato drums in the distance, and the low thunder of mortars rumbled in a deadly rhythm, bringing back horrifying memories from earlier as I entered the house.

As I struggled to regain my bearings, ghostly images from my past sprang forth around me. Shadows of fallen comrades, their faces contorted with fear, danced in the flickering firelight. Scenes of devastation and destruction played out in vivid detail, each one a stabbing reminder of the war that had left such deep scars on my soul.

Through the fog of war, I saw him. The destroyer was casually advancing towards me, his monstrous form undeterred by the chaos surrounding him. He moved amidst the gunfire and explosions as if he were simply taking a leisurely stroll, the bullets and shrapnel passing through him, leaving him unscathed. His eyes, glowing like hot embers, were fixed on me, his lips curling into a sinister smile as he drew closer.

He lunged at me, his monstrous form a horrifying silhouette against the fiery backdrop. Wielding my sword and shield with a desperation born of fear, I tried to hold my ground. But my efforts seemed futile against the beast's immense strength. His body, a mass of thorns and muscles, moved with an agility that belied his size, his movements a horrific dance of death and destruction. He swung his arm, his clawed hand a blur of motion, and my shield faltered under the impact, the force sending me sprawling on the ground.

Amid the thundering echoes of war, he hurled insults at me, his voice a vile symphony that seemed to drown out even the deafening sounds of gunfire and explosions around us. "You are weak, Issac! Just like all the others!" His laughter, a chilling sound that seemed to scrape my very soul, reverberated around us. "You are nothing more than a pawn, a toy for my amusement!"

Without a hint of mercy, he launched himself at me again. His clawed hand connected with my helmet, sending it flying off my head with a loud clatter. I could feel the force of the impact rippling through me, a wave of pain that threatened to drown me in its depths. I lay there, my body stinging with the violence of the blow, my mind reeling with the horror of the reality I was facing. His looming figure, a grotesque sentinel against the moonlit sky, was the last thing I saw before darkness claimed me.

The destroyer, his features distorted with unadulterated glee, slowly lowered his monstrous hand. His claws, sharp and menacing, found their mark on my skull, the icy touch sending jolts of terror coursing through my veins. He dug his claws in deeper, an intimate connection born of pain and fear, savoring my screams that echoed hauntingly through the battlefield.

"Stop, please...stop!" I begged. 

His laughter, a terrifying symphony of sadistic satisfaction, filled the air as he tightened his grip. "Yes, beg you filthy rag," he sneered, his voice resonating with cruel enjoyment. The further he dug his cruel talons into my head, the more the memories of war, the nightmares that filled my nights, and the horrors that haunted my days, pressed down on me, their weight threatening to bury me alive.

Each squeeze was a new wave of pain, a rush of torment that drowned me in its depths. Images flashed before my eyes in real time - blood-soaked sands, anguished faces of fallen Marines, screams of the wounded, the deafening roar of war- every moment that had etched itself into the recesses of my mind. "Feel it, Issac," he growled, his voice a venomous whisper in my ear. "The despair, the guilt, the fear, the trauma. The weight of every life lost, every friend fallen, every innocent caught in the crossfire. The nightmares that keep you awake, the memories that torment you... they are all here, Issac, in your mind, in your soul. You are a broken toy, useless scum, carrying the weight of a war you never wanted." I shudder, his words cutting deeper than his claws ever could. The beast had finally voiced the silent tormentor of my soul - my mind.

Blinking through a veil of blood, my gaze landed on my discarded helmet, a reminder of the protection I had once worn. Trose's words echoed in my mind, a resonating admonishment. "They have no power over our thoughts, our will... our souls..." His voice, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of despair, had always guided me, and yet, in my complacency, I had forgotten.

Blinking again, the world around me shifted, the battlefield flickering like an old film reel. I squinted, the sting of blood in my eyes making it hard to see. But when I opened my eyes, the helmet was gone.

Suddenly, a voice echoed behind the beast, a voice as familiar to me as my own heartbeat. I turned my head weakly, my vision blurring, but the voice was clear. "I tould ya to keep this on," Trose scolded firmly. And there, in his hand, was my helmet, glowing with a light that seemed to pierce the surrounding chaos.

With a snarl, the demon flung my head to the ground, the impact sending waves of agony coursing through me. Slowly, he rose to his feet, his monstrous form towering above me. He turned to face Trose, his glowing eyes narrowing in anticipation. "Well, if it isn't the old guardian of Zion," he sneered, a cruel smile curving his lips. "I've been waiting a long time for this...".

Trose's voice cut through the bedlam, clear and unflinching. "Looks like the Thorn King is lettin' any old riff-raff do his dirty deeds, doesn't he?" he mocked. The destroyer's eyes, ablaze with light, flashed with anger at the jibe, but Trose remained steadfast. "But you lot have always been the same, haven't ye? Taking advantage of folks when they're on their knees. It's a pitiful sight...plain as day for any of my kind to see." 

With a malevolent roar that echoed through the sands, the beast unfurled colossal wings from his back, the obsidian feathers shimmering in the eerie light of the battlefield. He thrust himself skywards, the gust from his ascent stirring up a whirlwind of dust and debris. Suspended above Trose, he hovered menacingly, his silhouette a monstrous specter against the moonlit skies, the black of his wings blotting out the stars.

"You are outmatched, guardian!" he thundered, "Soon, your dear Issac will drown in the ocean of his own despair, and your futile efforts will be but a forgotten whisper in this realm!"

His laughter filled the air, mocking Trose's determination. Then, tucking his wings, he dove headfirst towards the battlefield. His descent was swift and devastating, a harbinger of the storm to come. His eyes, glowing with a feral hunger, were fixed on Trose, the target of his unholy wrath.

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora