Chapter 12 Warrior of the Sea

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Under the late afternoon sun, I found myself standing on the rough-textured sands, taking in the sight of the fleet of ships bobbing gently in the distance. The once bustling harbor now lay eerily silent, the absence of life curiously unsettling. The only company I had were the whispers of the salty sea breeze and the rhythmic lullaby of lapping waves. I squinted, trying to discern any sign of life aboard the ships, but found no solace in the vast expanse of stillness. Whoever they were, their usual vibrant presence has now been replaced by an unexplainable void. It was as though the world was holding its breath, waiting for a storm to break.

I glanced down at the gleaming armor encasing my body, the ornate markings carved into it reflected back the glaring sun. My sword and shield, both faithful companions in countless battles, felt heavier again. A daunting realization washed over me - the only way to the fleet was through the expanse of water separating us. With a deep breath that did little to quell the turmoil, I stepped forward, the cool water lapping at my armored feet. It was a strange sensation, the coldness seeping through, each step becoming increasingly laborious as the weight of my gear pulled me down. Against the resistance of the water, I moved, slowly but determinedly, inching towards the glimpse of hope that the distant ships represented.

As I waded deeper, an unexpected sensation struck me – instead of the predicted sinking, I found myself floating. A moment of confusion gave way to a realization, as the water's surface now skimmed at my waist. My transformation into a branch had an unforeseen advantage in this aquatic environment. The very elements of nature had conspired to make me buoyant, against the weight of my burdens. I began to paddle, the movements unfamiliar but not uncomfortable, the water now a friend rather than an adversary. The ships, a beacon of safety, seemed less distant now, their forms becoming clearer as I maneuvered closer.

As I approached, I was struck by the grandeur of the vessels. Their curved forms, undulating like serpentine giants spoke of a formidable strength. Their structure wasn't just an architectural marvel—it was a tangible embodiment of the sea, a monument to the reverence for the untamed force of the ocean.

A sudden force bumped against my leg, halting my progress and causing my heart to leap into my throat. I froze in place, every fiber in my body coiled tight with anticipation. Was I not alone in these waters? An eternity seemed to pass as I waited in silence, the only sound being the vehement pounding of my heart against my chest. The sea remained placid, offering no clue to the visitor lurking beneath its surface.

For a fleeting moment, I considered turning back, but the very thought was as absurd as it was impossible. I shook away my fears, taking comfort in the weight of the armor and the strength of the weapon by my side. I pushed forward, my mind singularly focused on reaching the safety of the ship. Suddenly, a splash emerged from behind me, confirming the existence lurking beneath the surface of the water. The adrenaline surged within me, propelling my limbs into frenzied action. I began to swim, my arms cutting through the water with newfound urgency. The looming ship was my only salvation, and I was resolved to reach it or perish in the attempt.

Just as I was within arm's reach of the ship's hull, I felt it: a formidable force coiling around my leg like a steel vice. Panic surged through me, every nerve screaming protest as I was yanked downward, the surface receding rapidly. The sunny sky was replaced by the cold, dark depths of the sea, a surreal silence enveloping me as I was dragged deeper. I thrashed against the force dragging me down, my heart pounding a wild rhythm of terror.

Dangling upside down, I found myself staring into the iridescent eyes of a serpentine creature, armored to the hilt. As my eyes adjusted to the gloom, I took in the sight of the creature. It was as if it was carved from the sea itself; it bore the hues of the deepest oceans, its scales shimmering greens and blues in the dim light filtering through the water. Its body undulated in rhythm with the ocean currents, the movements eerily graceful despite its large size. Its tail, a powerful appendage lined with sharp scales, had coiled around my leg, suspending me in the watery abyss. The formidable strength hidden within those coils was enough to crush the strongest of opponents, yet it held me with a careful gentleness, as if aware of the fragility of the being in its grasp.

In its mouth, held with a sort of casual nonchalance, was a saber. The weapon glistened ominously, its double-edged blade sharp and deadly, an intimidating contrast to the creature's peaceful demeanor. The reassuring weight of my own weapon seemed almost negligible in comparison. I felt an unexpected pang of vulnerability, my predicament finally sinking in. Driven by primal instinct, I instinctively reached for the hilt of my sword and began unsheathing it. The cold steel scraped against the scabbard, its sound echoing through the underwater silence.

Almost instantly, I realized the folly of my action. A ripple of changes swept through the water. The iridescent eyes of the creature widened, reflecting a clear warning. The grip around my ankle tightened, not enough to hurt, but enough to emphasize its superior strength. A low, rumbling sound filled the water around me, a warning growl resonating from deep within the creature. A chill ran down my spine as the reality of my precarious situation sunk in; I was not dealing with a mindless beast but an intelligent entity.

Before I could retract my action, a sudden flurry of movement stirred the water around us. From the depths of the dark abyss below, scores of similar serpentine creatures emerged, their vibrant scales shimmering eerily in the gloom. Each one was a formidable sight, a mirror image of the one holding me captive. Their collective presence was an overwhelming spectacle, a parade of underwater titans awakening from their slumber. Their eyes, a vast array of iridescent orbs, were all trained on me, their gazes reflecting curiosity, confusion, and veiled threat. An alien sense of dread wrapped itself around me, as the magnitude of my mistake dawned upon me.

Suddenly, the grip around my leg shifted. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was being pulled upwards, forcefully but not harmfully, through the watery abyss. The cold, dark depths of the sea gave way to the blinding sunlight. I gasped for breath as I broke the surface, the sweet air filling my lungs with relief. The force did not stop there; it continued to propel me upwards, and before I could react, I found myself soaring through the air. The watery world below me blurred into a mass of shimmering blues and greens as I was hurled towards the ship.

With a thud that knocked the wind out of me, I landed on the wooden deck of the main ship. The hard surface was an unwelcome contrast to the fluidity of the water. For a moment, I lay there, gasping, trying to make sense of the sudden change in my environment. As my breathing began to steady, I could hear the murmuring voices around me, growing in intensity. I pushed myself to a sitting position, and that's when I saw them. Decked in their sea-green armor, they stood at a distance, their iridescent eyes studying me with curiosity and caution.

Their jade-colored eyes flashed dangerously as they took a threatening step towards me, their hands instinctively reaching for the hilts of their weapons. Their voices rose, sounding harsh and guttural, like waves crashing against a rocky shore. The hostility in their gaze was palpable, and their intentions were clear. A sense of unease coiled in the pit of my stomach, spreading its icy tendrils through my veins. I was an intruder on their ship and they were not welcoming.

I didn't have time to ponder on my predicament. I rose to my feet, gripping the hilt of my sword as it gave off an icy chill against my palm. They moved in sync, like a school of predatory fish surrounding their prey. Their armor clinked ominously as they closed in, their expressions masked by the helmet, but their menacing intent was clear.

Just as the first serpent lunged towards me, a deep, commanding voice echoed across the deck, "Hultan!" The word was spoken in the same guttural tongue the mob had been using, but its meaning was universal. They froze in their tracks, their movements stopping abruptly as if they had hit an invisible wall. Their gazes shifted from me to the source of the voice, their expressions morphing into something akin to reverence.

From the crowd, a figure parted from the sea of bodies, his fluid movements reminiscent of a predator emerging from the depths. His armor was different, it bore intricate carvings, the symbolism etched into it telling tales of sea battles and legendary sea beasts. His helm, unlike the others, was held under his arm, revealing a face both stern and captivating, with piercing jade eyes and a crown of flowing sea-green locks. His mere presence commanded an aura of reverence, making the crowd step back, their hostility replaced by respect.

"Staundun dar Azurians," he ordered, his voice resonating with an undertone of authority that none could ignore, and then turned to me. His eyes narrowed, scanning over me, before resting on the marking on my armor. A flicker of recognition flashed across his face. "So, you bear the mark," he noted, his voice softer, intrigued. He straightened up, his stature becoming even more imposing, and extended his hand towards me in a non-threatening manner.

"I am Liamaris, Prince of the Azurians."

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