Cry out and Listen

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We continued along the flowered path until we first came to what appeared to be more ruins. There stood a dungeon-like gate that Rose motioned for me to enter. I looked up and the sky darkened as thunder roared. I glanced at Dove hovering above us, motioning me to follow her. As I did I noticed quickly that there was no light within, only flashes of lightning that illuminated the darkness. We descended into a corridor and I noticed the path glow with flowers as if I had entered an enchanted garden. Finally, it led to a chamber that was lit by torches that seemed to be flickering. Rain fell from above us as we were now looking up into a narrow shaft. As I stepped further in, Rose spoke. "Issac, do you have any inkling as to why we've come here?" 

"A challenge?" 

Just then I heard something buckle into place and we began to elevate. We were on a lift of some sort.

Rose continued "Yes, a challenge, but there's only one way to victory."

"Isn't that the case with any challenge?" I said. 

She answered with a smile, "Indeed, but this situation is unlike any other. It's a cleverly crafted illusion meant to lead you astray from your destined path, leaving you questioning the nature of your quest. Your adversary employs a form of battle strategy designed to divert your gaze from the true treasure, sowing seeds of confusion within you."

The lift stopped and we stood there in the dark pouring rain. The bolt of lightning flashed and I could see all around us. We now stood in the middle of an enormous coliseum at ground level. The light suddenly flashed again, so bright and intense that it pushed me backwards and sent me tumbling to the ground. It felt like it was even closer than before.

"That dear Issac, is the essence of your being..." said Rose

"My spirit is a bolt of lightning..?"

"It is twisted and ensnared by the trials you're destined to confront, to access the sacred throne room, we must first unravel it and align it properly. Only then can it be used as a weapon against the challenge that awaits you."

Still sitting in a muddy puddle on the ground another flash came even closer as I stared at it. "Me? Fix this whole thing? Come on, I'm just your average Joe Blow."

The lightning flashed again and I looked beside me to find rose pedals drifting in the air. "She's gone...". 

I stood up mud dripping from my armor that now felt like a heavy burden on my shoulders and began to trod towards where I saw the last bolt of lightning. Another flash came and that's when I saw it in front of me. As if it appeared out of nowhere the figure stood tall with a menacing presence. Thorns covered the figure from head to toe and immediately I knew what I was dealing with. This was a thorny as I had heard them called and in his hand, he held a giant longbow.

Standing like a centurion the hideous creature's eyes looked like they had been gauged out. Its nose was smashed flat with its mouth opened wide showing all of its pointed teeth that seemed to be like daggers ready to strike. It started to laugh as it reached to the rear and pulled at one of its own spike-like thorns protruding from its back. The laughter turned into a shriek as it plucked the spike out as if it were one of his own members. Oily dark purple sap fell from the spike and dripped to the ground. It began to chant in an ancient language as it pointed the arrow toward me with its bow. I sprinted to the side as it let the arrow fly and it pierced through the stone wall beside me with a loud thud. I had no idea at that moment how I was going to defeat this creature. He pulled another spike from his backside letting out another scream and began to chant again. Again I ran to the side dodging every arrow that was sent my way but I knew this wouldn't go on forever. I was growing tired with the weight of the armor and as I went to dodge another arrow I tripped and fell to the ground.

The Thorn laughed full of confidence as he pointed the arrow at me with no mercy written on his face. I watched as he let it go trying to roll on the ground to dodge it just in time. The spike hit the ground missing me by mere inches but, the oily resin that came from it spattered my face. Instantly I felt a burning sensation and I began to feel a force that was radiating from the spike itself. A wave of guilt washed over my body as I remembered all the mistakes I had made in my life. They flashed before me like a slow-motion movie as I felt the burden of them all.

But then, just as suddenly as it began, I felt something else. A flurry of rose petals danced around my body like a gentle breeze and the burning sensation seemed to dissipate.

In a gentle murmur, Rose's voice graced my ear, "Through the act of listening, Isaac, belief is born."

I gritted my teeth as I wiped the oily resin from my eyes "I can't... I can't hear it".

The only thing I could hear was the sound of the centurion's bow being nocked again. I leaped to my feet and gave everything I had to one final sprint. I was immediately struck by a sharp pain that pierced my leg and hit the ground face-first. I screamed in agony looking at the spike protruding through my upper thigh. Worse still I felt a borage of horrible emotions swell within me and it felt like I was drowning in feelings of abandonment, remorse, and hatred. As I screamed the bolt of lightning began to rip around us in all directions.

I felt the presence of rose petals fluttering around my face again. I could smell their sweet scent that provided a momentary relief to my pain and I heard Rose's voice just as clear as day.

"Call to the one who is steadfast and listen for His still whispers."

The archer began to pull for another spike and the chanting grew louder. I rolled over and tried to kneel but the pain in my thigh was unbearable. I closed my eyes and bowed my head. All of the painful feelings were still creating chaos in my mind but I somehow knew that this was all a distraction keeping me from what was important. I let out a groan and began to cry out things I could make no sense of. I began speaking a language that was not my own and I felt the fire within my chest start to spill from my mouth. I heard the bow's string snap and opened my eyes to a sight that was almost too much to bear. Dove stood crouched before me holding what appeared to be a shield. The projectile that had been launched fractured upon impact, leaving its target untouched and unscathed. His hand was on my leg which was now completely healed.

With a soft voice, he looked back and straight into my eyes. "Arise, son of Zion, for you were not bestowed a timid spirit but, one of strength, love, and clear thought."

I stood as he handed me the shield. Fire poured from my eyes and mouth and I felt as if I was almost out of my own body. "Take your stance." Said Dove.

I planted myself in defense as the Archer began his chant again. "The aim of any thorn is to cloud your identity, yet it is your faith that will pave your path to triumph. Now, repel its deceit and stand firm with your shield." 

And so I did, I raised my shield with every ounce of faith I had and let out a roar that shook the earth beneath me. The archer released the spike and I watched it disappear before hitting my shield. Every ounce of fear, worry, doubt, and anxiety I had was vanquished. This emboldened me even more so I slammed my shield in the ground and watched as a giant bolt of lightning started to form above me. The Thorn'd centurion fired another spike and watched it dissolve into thin air.

The rose petals returned dancing around my body and I felt a warmth and peace surround me. The bolt of lightning solidified and glowed brilliantly above me with every slam of my shield in defiance of the enemy's lies. My cadence of slamming matched his chanting. As he screamed I reciprocated with a roar back. As each thorny dart hurled towards me I felt the surge of fire within work its way out into the shield that I held.

I marched forward feeling an invincible strength and felt my spirit begin to coalesce with the bolt of lightning above me. The staggered bolt formed a perfect beam of light leading from me to the atmosphere. The archer dropped his bow.

"Now!" Dove shouted.

Instinctively I charged the beast with my shield and ran into it with all my might. With fire radiating from my throat and a boom echoing with each step, I felt my faith become unshakable. The final slam of the shield sent an enormous wave of heat that surrounded us both. The Archer slowly began to incinerate as I watched the flames move and encircle the beam of light that shot up into the night sky.

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