Chapter 8 Badlands

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Exiting the grand archway of the cathedral we found ourselves atop the temple. The sun was setting and we could see the majesty of Heaven's Landing in all its glory. And there in the distance stood the unmistakable silhouette of Trose with his wings folded across his chest. A smile began to curl at the corners of his beak as he saw us approaching.

He eyed my armor and the Flame of Zion, "I notice ye've done well for yerself, I daresay."

"Man, wish you were here to see this get-up, Trose!" I said, slappin' my chest where the new armor sat. "Just finished scrappin' with some real prickly guy in the temple, but hey, at least it was a good warmup for the main event, right?"

Trose's eyes glittered with a distinct blend of amusement and pride. "Isaac, Every tussle with a thorn be a war itself. Count yourself blessed to have won your maiden battle." He paused, thrusting his beak towards the horizon where the sun's last rays painted the sky in hues of vermillion and lavender. "But, don't forget lad, our journey is far from done. There'll be more enemies, each tougher than the last, hiding in the shadows of the Badlands." 

"Hold on, the Badlands? Where's that? Why can't we just stay put here in Heaven's Landing?"  I said. 

Dove moved forward, bearing a serious demeanor, "The 'Hall of Souls', it lies deep in the core of the Badlands, beyond the Sea of Eden. It is in this place that each soul is scrutinized and assigned a path. However, there has been a disturbing change. We suspect a dark force is meddling with the fates of these souls. You and Trose, you are chosen to delve into this concern."

A surge of excitement swept through me, and a sense of purpose ignited within. "Then let's round up a fireteam!" I boomed, my voice bouncing off the temple walls. "We gotta get the guardians on board, call in all the branches, heck, maybe even the griffins would be down to lend a beak."

"No, Isaac," Dove interposed, his tone soft yet resolute. His gaze connected with mine, emanating a tranquility that belied the seriousness of his impending words. "What is required here is not an army, but prudence and insight. An army might attract unwanted attention, or worse, provoke a conflict we are not prepared to engage in. No, this mission is designated for you and Trose alone." His gaze remained unflinching, the conclusiveness in his tone leaving no space for further dispute.

Trose bridged the distance, his towering form a source of comfort. His wings rustled, feathers catching the fading light of the setting sun and glinting in response. "Isaac, this isnae just a duty for any braw lads, but for the chosen few." His gaze locked onto mine, fiery conviction burning bright in his eyes. "Dove has it right. We cannie risk drawing attention, provoking a battle we'renae prepared for. 'Tis our responsibility, a path guided by wisdom and discretion. We carry not only our own dreams but those of all Heaven's Landing." 

Dove advanced towards me, his pristine form seemingly radiating more brilliantly with each feather that mirrored the sun's luminous hues. He offered a slight bow towards me, his eyes shimmering with a blend of sorrow and honor. "Isaac, the path that lies ahead is fraught with hardships, but my trust is in both of you," he acknowledged Trose with a nod. Dove's voice descended to a murmur, "Bear in mind, the The Flame of Zion resides with you. Wield it with prudence."

I nodded, my throat filled with an emotion that threatened to spill forth, but I forced it down and managed a small smile, "We won't let you down, Dove."

Turning around, my heart skipped a beat as I found Trose shapeshifted into his giant form. His majestic wings spread out wide, glittering under the twilight sky. His large eyes twinkled with anticipation as he lowered his body, allowing me to climb onto his back. With a deep breath, I gripped the rough texture of his feathers, felt the solid strength of his body beneath me, and prepared myself as he began to flap his enormous wings. Anxiety, fear, excitement, and a sense of duty coursed through my veins as we prepared to lift off. The wind picked up, whipping around us, as Trose powered his wings for the takeoff. Then, with a force that left my heart pounding in my chest, we were in the air, soaring away from Heaven's Landing, towards the daunting unknown that was the Badlands.

I raised my sword high above me, "For Zion!" 

Trose joined in with a chilling cry as we soared into the unknown abyss ahead of us. The howling wind drowned out any sense of comfort or reassurance, but we were determined to complete our mission at all costs. As we flew further away from Heaven's Landing, a sense of foreboding crept into my heart. The Sea of Eden churned below us, hiding secrets and dangers beyond imagination. With every passing moment, the lights of Heaven's Landing grew smaller and dimmer until they were just a distant memory. Yet, I couldn't help but glance back one last time. The city glowed with an otherworldly brilliance, tempting us to turn back and seek refuge within its walls. But we knew that was not an option. As we delved deeper into the unknown, I couldn't help but wonder if we would ever return to this magnificent place again. The dark expanse stretched endlessly before us, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it held both victory and triumph, as well as something far more sinister, at its end.

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