Throne Room

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The beast let out one last shriek before being completely consumed by the light. In the wake of everything subsiding, I looked around and found myself surrounded by glowing white pillars that shot up piercing the night sky. Rose petals flurried within it creating a beautiful cyclone-like effect that seemed to be constantly shifting. Through its center, I could see a bright light shining and knew this was the gateway. Looking up I could see Dove circling upward around the ray of light as to indicate that I should follow.

Grasping my shield, I ventured into the radiant light and ascended skyward. Rose petals trailed me, their vivid array of hues swirling and spiraling about. I felt light as a feather, my spirit lifting towards something far grander than myself. The light's intensity grew, blinding me as it painted my surroundings with a matte white hue. With the sound of chiming bells echoing around me, I slowly reopened my eyes.

I was standing within a massive cathedral-like structure. Its walls were made out of marble and the tall stained glass windows depicted scenes of various characters from what I assumed were the various realms. Depictions of mighty branch-like warriors, malicious thorned monsters, and other elemental characters I didn't recognize. Images of armies colliding and even a dragon so enormous that it seemed to span the length of the room. In the center stood a throne with a golden tree similar to The Great Tree in Zion yet scaled down. I spotted Rose walking toward me from the other side of the room with something held in her hands.

"Welcome, Issac," she said with a smile. I noticed that her hair now seemed to be a bright golden color. "I have something for you."

She raised her hand and I could see what she was holding now. It was a small cup of oil that varied in warm colored hues. I could smell the aroma of something sweet and earthy. She dipped her finger into the cup and proceeded to make a small sign on my forehead. I felt the oil slide down my face as I heard her say.

"My dear, listen carefully to what I have to share. The Great One has chosen you for a special quest. Your very spirit is being attuned to communicate with the lofty realms, and you must be ready for the wonders and challenges that you shall face on your journey."

Her words hung heavy in the air. I clenched my jaw and looked at my boots for a second. "Alright, gotta stay strong. No way I'm letting these things slip away."

Gently, Rose raised my chin and with a tender smile she spoke, "Issac, there will be moments you lose sight of your path, and stumble. You must know, that anointing is a journey you have to commit to. You're destined for the mission that lays ahead, but you must also actively decide to remain aligned and to embrace the power bestowed upon you by The Vine."

She grasped my hand, guiding me towards the throne with the ancient tree at the heart of the cathedral. As we approached, I noticed a hollowed out opening concealed at its base. Dove emerged, holding aloft a remarkable sword, unlike any I had ever encountered. Its celestial aura gleamed, casting a prismatic symphony of light that danced around the hallowed chamber.

The blade, crafted from a material seemingly not of this realm, proved both incredibly sharp and brilliantly radiant. It shimmered with a glow, drawing me in. The hilt was a masterpiece, encrusted with precious gems of countless shapes and colors, pulsating in harmony with the music that filled the air.

Intricate carvings adorned the blade, immortalizing tales of heroism and sacrifice. Its cross-guard took the form of sculpted wings, spread wide as an eternal guardian. From the hilt's end hung a silver ribbon, whispering in the wind with each delicately crafted movement. Upon it, words of an ancient tongue, presumably the sacred language of Zion, glistened in the celestial light.

Holding the sword's grip skyward as a mark of reverence, Dove offered the magnificent weapon to me.

"This belongs to you, Issac. It is The Flame of Zion".

He placed it in my hands and I could feel its weight.

"Use this to guard your spirit, for it is the wellspring of your strength in this dimension. Guide it under the banner and power of The Vine". 

I bowed my head in reverence as I accepted the sword, feeling a connection with it that ran far beyond what I had felt with any other piece of armor I had received yet. It was almost as if this blade and I were meant to be together from the beginning of time.

"What do you mean by guiding it?" I said.

Dove gazed into my eyes, his expression kind yet firm. "To wield this sword, Issac, one must possess not only physical skill but also harmony with the intent of The Vine. This blade is not a mere tool of destruction, but a vessel for divine purpose. It submits not to strength or technique, but to the authority and designation of The Vine. Your faith, your conviction, your alignment with The Vine - these are what imbue the sword with power. Its true potential lies not in your hands, but in your spirit. To harness it, you must invoke the name and authority of The Vine. Only then will you unlock its full potential. Remember this well, Issac, for it will be crucial on your journey ahead. Without understanding this truth, The Flame of Zion is nothing more than a decorative relic." He paused, his gaze softening, "Walk the path of faith, Issac, and let The Vine guide your actions. In doing so, you will never stray from your purpose."

I nodded and turned to Rose, her golden hair shimmering under the cathedral's divine light. "Bless you, Rose, for your wisdom and your touch. Your words will stay with me."

Rose's smile, crinkling at the corners of her eyes, held a lifetime of unspoken stories. "Now, Isaac," she began, her voice a gentle caress, "until fate brings us together again, remember, the blessings of the Vine flow with you always. It's not about the stumbles, my dear, those are inevitable. It's the strength to rise each time, that's the mark of a true soul." Her voice, though soft, resonated through the vast cathedral, imbuing her words with a weight that settled deep within me. The weight of a destiny I barely understood, a mission whispered on the wind.

I then turned to Dove, who had been patiently observing our interaction. "I'm ready," I declared, my grip tightening around the Flame of Zion. Dove nodded in affirmation, his eyes reflecting a sense of pride and conviction in me.

We paced toward the grand archway of the cathedral, the divine light from within casting long, majestic shadows behind us. As we crossed the threshold, I felt a surge of indescribable energy, a spiritual transformation that left me feeling invincible yet humbled. The last sight of the cathedral was Rose, standing by the golden tree, her figure bathed in the divine light, her smile reassuring and empowering. As Dove and I ventured forth, I felt ready for whatever awaited me, my spirit now aligned, my sword ready to serve His divine purpose.

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now