Right of Passage

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My knee hit the deck immediately.

"Rest easy, one may simply address me as Dove," He spoke with poise.

I rose to my feet and automatically positioned them shoulder-width apart clasping my hands behind me, adopting the stance of parade rest. "The Vine sent you to train me? That's... somethin' else. Guess I gotta be ready for whatever's comin' then." 

Dove hesitated briefly, casting a glance skyward before extending his hands toward the heavens. "The Great One has cleansed you with life's waters, so now I may shape you with the fires of His name and authority."

No sooner had the words left his lips, than an immense cyclone of fire breached the clouds above, hurtling towards us with fervor. As if compelled by an invisible force, my body trembled, shaken to its core. Engulfed in resplendent flames, I fought in vain to regain control of my movements, all the while acutely aware of the blistering heat that seared my very being.

In an instant, the conflagration ceased, dissipating as swiftly as it had appeared. I found myself standing in the same position, yet an inexplicable vigor coursed through me. It was as if I had been imbued with newfound strength, as untamed as the fiery maelstrom that had just consumed me.

"Young one, be ready for what lies ahead," whispered Dove. 

A sudden surge of power welled up within me, demanding release. As I opened my mouth, a torrent of flames burst forth, their ferocity catching me off guard. They danced around me, intertwining like tiny dragons. My eyes seared with an inner energy that seemed to draw from an unfathomable wellspring. Overwhelmed, I fell to my knees, clutching my throat as I coughed fervently.

Trose glanced towards Dove, a twinkle in his eyes. "Ah, his warrior's heart be like that of the giant slayer!"

"Perhaps even mightier once his awakening is complete," said Dove. 

Whatever it was that descended upon me, I wanted more. Although I was coughing, trying to catch my breath, I managed to speak. "What just happened? That power, what is it? I feel..."

"A gift that binds our spirits, young one. For when your flame flickers within, I am there to guide and nurture its growth. Call upon me when in need, and my wisdom shall be bestowed upon you," said Dove.

He gestured for me to follow him. I stood up, still feeling the warmth and power running through my veins, and followed. We reached the temple's edge and looked out. I now noticed that we were atop one of two temples that stood side by side. The two temples were imposing carved stone and marble structures, reaching high into the sky like two great sentinels. The sun shone brightly on the temples' spires in an almost otherworldly way.

Dove's voice echoed around me, "We now find ourselves at the doorsteps of the temple of illumination. Within its embrace, you shall embark on a quest, seeking the uncharted territories of your soul."

He gestured grandly, his hand sweeping towards the massive structure looming nearby, "That, dear Issac, is the temple of ascension. Your spirit shall unravel its mysteries that permeate the hidden realm."

"Alright, so this is where the real training kicks in, huh? Figure we gotta run some drills before the main event. You got any recon on what we're facin'?" 

"Killing Machine." Dove said with a smile. 

My brows furrowed at the unexpected words, "That's my call sign..."

I earned that name after my third deployment. I had been trained in Force Reconnaissance to gather intelligence in order to seek out and destroy my enemies with laser-like precision. At the time I was proud of the name, but now it felt like a reminder of something I'd rather forget. It's a name that now haunts me and brings on painful memories.

Dove approached me, speaking with a calmness. "That is the name they have bestowed upon you, is it not?"

He laid his hand on my shoulder. "Yes, indeed. That is the name they ascribed to you. But now, young Issac, you stand in a realm of light and truth, where the eyes of your heart must guide you. Within you, I have bestowed the power to transform darkness into light, to sever the chains of your past. Yet, you must channel the same fierceness that defined you before, for in this realm, a formidable foe awaits – one who knows you better than your own self."

Trose chimed in, "Aye, it can see the hairs standin' on the back of your neck, the dilation in your eyes, and even hear the smallest quiver in your voice. The adversary of this realm is far more powerful than any enemy you've faced. It knows your deepest fears and your greatest weaknesses."

"How the hell am I supposed to fight somethin' like that? I've stared down incoming mortar rounds in Fallujah, but Briah's got some next-level, you know what goin' on. Ain't a damn thing in my arsenal, nothin' I learned from Gunny, that'll stop that kinda force. We're talkin' way outta my league here."

"Only one thing must you remember now, young one." Dove spoke as he gently pressed his feather to my forehead.

"They possess no ability to decipher this," then moved his feather to my heart, where The Vine's mark resided. "Furthermore, they shall remain unaware of the yearning that lies within this."

"They can only try to influence it by exterior means. Once ya've sworn yer allegiance to the King of Zion and received the warriors' blessin', the enemy loses its power," Trose added.

The concept seemed foreign, but so was the place I was in now. Relying on conventional warfare methods would only get me so far here. It was time for me to learn a new way. A way that required me to tap into the power of something far greater than myself.

"I think I get it. So, What's my next move?" I said. 

Dove walked over to the giant spire of the temple of illumination. He raised his wings and gave them a flap. The gust of wind produced a rumble from the spire as it began to turn like gears on a clock. Finally, it snapped into place, and a door appeared before us.

He turned around to me, "The time has arrived for you to meet some new friends of mine."

I walked towards him and noticed Trose standing back.

"Aren't you coming?" I said. 

"Yer in far better hands than me own for this next part. I'll be waitin' here, so I will."

I nodded and followed Dove through the door, which led to a spiraled staircase that seemed to stretch downwards forever. The walls were dimly lit by torches that burned with a pale blue flame, and the air was so heavy that I could feel it on my skin. It smelled of wet stone and a hint of something I couldn't quite place.

Dove came to an abrupt halt, "We have reached our destination."

My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and what I saw before us was beyond belief. The staircase had led us to an entrance to yet another dimension. But this dimension had a darker appearance than anything I had seen up until this point. It felt like I was standing in the shadows of a world that I was never meant to see.

"What is this place?"

A new voice came from beyond where we stood. "Greetings, Issac," it intoned, draping every syllable in enigmatic allure, "The time has come for you to uncover a facet of your essence that has lain dormant for far too long."

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now