Chapter 7 Ascension

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"Ugh, two temples in a day? Are we crazy?"

"Yes, we must carry on. Evil does not rest or seek the comfort of sleep." said Dove. 

My senses were filled with intoxicating aromas and sights, making it challenging to fathom how there could be even more to this training process. The armor on me felt as if it had become heavier since our arrival, and I couldn't help but let out a defeated groan. As we neared the second temple, Dove moved toward a mysterious opening ahead. Upon closer examination, it resembled not only a cave entrance but one that bore the intricate, skillful work of man or perhaps, the artistry of branches, interwoven like a subtle electric dance.

Without hesitation, Dove ventured in, and I followed suit, immediately finding a narrow footpath leading us deeper into the abyss. Torches flickered hesitantly, casting deep shadows against the damp, cold cavern walls, providing meager light to guide our steps.

"Is this the routine from now on? Dark, clammy tunnels with a funky mix of 'what-is-that' and 'dead things' smells?"

Dove countered, "Not exactly. You'll understand when things change. Just be patient, as the revelation will come in its own time."

I stifled my laughter, for one of the three elements had just spoken to me with the seriousness of a seasoned recon officer, without a hint of reassurance. Curiosity swelled within me, fueled by a desire to uncover what lay waiting later in our journey. As we delved deeper into the seemingly endless pathway, the distant rumblings of thunder began to permeate the silence, adding an electric tension to the air. The condensation from the walls dripped down languidly, forming winding, little streams that meandered their way to converge with a larger one in the center of the cavern. A faint glimmer of light flickered in the distance, and Dove quickened his pace as if drawn by the lure of that illumination. I followed, my every step weighed down by trepidation, unable to match his speed; he disappeared as he rounded the corner.

What awaited me there was nothing short of perplexing. The expanding stream flowed gracefully into a petal-shaped pool, surrounded by darkness that seemed to mark the end of the cavern. I glanced around and realized with a sudden chill that I was now alone.

"Dove?" My feeble voice called out, only to be swallowed by the void.

"Dove!?" My voice echoes against the cavern walls.

In the eerie silence, the menacing roll of thunder rumbled once more. My gaze was drawn to the pool, where I observed water rippling as if disturbed by an invisible presence. Trembling with a mix of terror and curiosity, I inched closer and peered over the edge, only to find myself staring at something both horrifying and enchanting. The depths of the pool seemed to hold a pulsating web of electric energy; with every haunting flash, I glimpsed a reflection of a sky that was certainly not above me in the cave.

"He wants me to deep fry in the electric water...".

Suddenly, a notch in my belt came undone, causing me to glance down. "Well, that's odd," I muttered, securing it once more.

Summoning all the courage left in me, I let out a frustrated sigh and looked up at the cave ceiling. "You've got to be kidding me... ". Then, with all the resolve I could muster, I leaped into the electrifying embrace of the pool.

I submerged into the water, expecting it to be either cool like the damp cave or scalding hot due to the electrical currents. To my surprise, it was degrees away from being lukewarm. As I took in the surreal atmosphere, my descent seemed to hasten without any intervention on my part. Within the growing darkness, I eagerly searched for some indication of a portal or symbol that might lead me to Dove's location. However, my efforts were fruitless, and the darkness remained unbroken.

The Elements of Zion: the Vine, the Branch, and the ThornWhere stories live. Discover now