Chapter 2

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Two years had passed since that rainy day and Hanabi was at Yako Middle School. As expected, something had indeed changed in her. On her very first day at school, she became one of the most popular students, and not just because Atsumu and Osami were her brothers. Hanabi had developed and changed so much that everyone who saw her was fascinated by her.

Hanabi had been given the great fortune of being beautiful without doing anything. Even if it may sound arrogant to many, she wasn't like that at all. Her brothers had been given the same luck, which was probably the way it was in the Miya family.

Long blonde hair framed her slightly narrow face, while her green eyes were only accentuated by it. Her body was athletic, although she didn't really do much for it. It was actually her brothers' fault, who almost forced her to do it in her free time.

The reason was simple. Atsumu and Osamu had joined the volleyball club in middle school and trained for it every day. Their talent was recognized in the first few lessons, which is why they put in even more effort. While Atsumu played the role of a setter, Osamu played more of a diagonal attacker.

It also quickly became clear how ambitious Atsumu was, provoking some of the players and Osamu. He constantly wanted everyone to play better so that he didn't get bored. So Atsumu was a rather arrogant player, while Osamu was the calmer one and always tried to calm his brother down. Well, unfortunately, the two of them always had an argument themselves, which Hanabi saw again when she ran into the sports hall.

The brothers lay on top of each other, hitting each other lightly, while their comrades stayed out of it. This was actually the best way to avoid getting into a fight herself. Hanabi didn't actually like volleyball. Not because she hated the sport itself, but rather because her brothers tormented her with it.

She constantly had to pass the ball to them and play it over the net so that they could practise on their own. They were so fixated on it that they didn't realize how much Hanabi hated those days. Nevertheless, she had seen many techniques and knew a lot about the sport. However, she would never play volleyball herself, even though the girls' club had asked for it.

"Why are you fighting again?!" Hanabi asked, slightly angry, as she stood in front of the twins. They automatically looked up at her. "Osamu doesn't take the game seriously!" "Oh yeah? You provoke everyone without paying attention to their feelings!"

Hanabi exhaled, slightly annoyed. So this topic again. "You do know that this argument won't get you anywhere, right?" she asked immediately. "What do you know?!" scolded Atsumu. "Stop shouting at Hanabi like that!" came from Osamu, pushing his brother to the ground.

Hanabi looked at her comrades, who didn't know what to do. At that moment, she had no choice but to do what her brothers hated. Hanabi squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she pressed on her tear ducts.

"Can' yourselves together!" she asked in a sad tone, causing the twins to fall silent and look up. "Hanabi, don't cry!" Atsumu said quickly, pushing Osamu off him so that he could stand up and pulling his little sister close to him.

"You're idiots!" the girl scolded, crying slightly. "We're sorry..." came from Osamu, who also put an arm around her. What both brothers couldn't stand was seeing Hanabi cry. This trick worked every time.

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