Chapter 14

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Now Hanabi was the official manager of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. As soon as this became known, Mitsuri had asked the blonde how many girls had gossiped about her and were jealous. Some of the boys had also been annoyed when they found out about it and gave the whole team slightly scathing looks, which Wakatoshi didn't care much about.

As usual, Hanabi sat down at a dining table with Mitsuri, although this time she had to wait in line for a really long time. Of course, she knew that the boys hadn't let her through because of her jealousy.

Well, Tendou had always stuck to going to their table and sitting down with Wakatoshi. With this behavior, it quickly became clear that it was up to them. However, Hanabi didn't mind, after all, she never wanted to be popular. What would the students do if they knew she was a Miya?

"Can't you sit somewhere else?" asked Mitsuri, who had finally found the courage to talk to Tendou. At first, she was downright panicked to be looked at by him, which was understandable. His look was worth a thousand words. Then there were his provocations and songs, which were sometimes quite vulnerable.

"Why should we?" asked Tendou with a grin. "Because you're the most annoying of all of you." came from the black-haired girl, with Hanabi and Wakatoshi simply eating on the side. These discussions were repeated every time.

"Aww, Mitsuri is annoooyeeed." came out of his mouth, singing cheerfully. Well, actually, Mitsuri wasn't entirely wrong. "But I'd also be interested to know why you're joining us."

Silently, Wakatoshi looked up briefly and gazed directly into her green eyes. Even though he was sitting diagonally opposite her, he could see that intense green very clearly. "We're not going to leave our sweet manager and her friend alone, are we?" Tendou grinned.

"We could before I became your manager..." Hanabi muttered. She wasn't wrong, Wakatoshi thought. "Huh? Don't tell me you like to sit alone." , came out of the redhead's mouth while his eyebrow went up. "I didn't say that. But we're first graders and you're third graders. That's how you've always been with your team."

Tendou put his finger to his chin, thinking. "Hm...let's think about it...I think we're here for a reason." "And what's that?" the blonde wanted to know. "A certain Ushijima wanted to come here."

With wide eyes, Hanabi turned her face slightly in his direction, which had previously been directed towards Tendou. Her pulse automatically increased, while her cheeks were certainly slightly reddened. "Is that true?" Mitsuri was the first to ask. "You're not loud, you're not annoying and Tendou is quiet."

His voice was as usual, monotone and neutral. Hanabi thought about it. Was it really these reasons or something else that made him do it? "Oh..." Hanabi spoke quietly and drank the tea she had fetched.

Her eyes glanced again briefly at Wakatoshi, who returned her gaze at that moment. Once again she felt a blush coming on, which made her stare at her food. What was wrong with her!?

Wakatoshi felt the same and gritted his teeth. He couldn't fall in love if that was what he was feeling. Volleyball should remain the most important thing in his life. He could never take any other path now!

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