Chapter 3

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"Don't bother me." Hanabi said as she walked down the corridor at school. "Come on, Hanabi, you're always helping." Osamu said as his brother ran alongside. "You're already annoying me at home." , the girl replied. "Please, for once." , asked Atsumi, who only spoke kindly to her. "No."

The twins had been trying to persuade their sister to train with them all day. The reason was very simple. Hanabi knew how they liked their balls to be played and with what strength and speed.

Her brothers also had a goal in mind. To become the best players in Japan, which is why they wanted to go to a highly respected secondary school. The Inarizaki High School.

"Why don't you ask your comrades?" Hanabi asked as she stopped and turned around. "Because you know exactly how to play us." The girl exhaled softly. "But I'm not playing on your team. You have to tell your teammates what you want. Even if you're in secondary school." Hanabi said in response.

"We know that. But we have to train to have a chance against other teams." "You're going to play until I'm lying on the floor again. I don't feel like it."

"Please Hanabi." Osamu asked, smiling gently. Atsumu, on the other hand, looked monotonously into her face as usual. Hanabi hated it when the twins looked at her like that. However, she had learned over time to say no even then. "Ask someone else."

"But..." Atsumu spoke up. "But nothing. You'll make me hate volleyball altogether..." This time, Osamu opened his mouth. "What are you trying to say?" he asked immediately.

"You've been annoying me and playing volleyball with me so much and for so long since we were little that I don't even like hearing that word anymore, nor do I like the sport itself." Hanabi explained and looked at her brothers. "I don't mind you playing and sometimes I was happy that I was allowed to join in. But you're so fixated on it that you didn't even notice that I wasn't enjoying it anymore."

"Are we...really that bad?" Osamu asked gently, slowly beginning to understand what Atsumu and he had done. "Sometimes it seems like you guys put volleyball above everything else." Hanabi admitted, smiling nonetheless.

"Nevertheless, you are my brothers, whom I support. But I want you to train with others and get stronger with them. After all, I don't want to hear that you're not the best in the Inarizaki team." Hanabi grinned and waved. "See you later!" she said before running off to her classroom.

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