Chapter 38

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After about an hour, Mitsuri was actually relieved, and not just by one person. No, it was three people who opened the door and took Mitsuri in their arms. Well, what had Hanabi expected from her family?

Just as she had assumed, her mother had cried through it, blaming herself, while Osamu tried to calm her down and Atsumu also cursed under his breath, saying all the time that he hadn't protected Hanabi well enough.

It was actually cute to watch, but it wasn't anyone's fault. No one was to blame for all this. Only Hanabi, who had kept it a secret from everyone and had apologized to her family. She had also explained to them why she hadn't said anything. She just wanted to avoid everyone becoming overprotective and not leaving her alone. It had actually worked quite well.

"Darling..." her mother said, holding her hand in hers. "You're going to be all right, aren't you?"

Hanabi could only look at the blonde-haired girl gently. "I don't know, but I'll do my best."

Her mother cried again and felt her sons' hands on her shoulders. "Our Hanabi is strong. She did well in middle school when the girls tried to tease her." Osamu said. "Have you forgotten how she sat under the tree crying?" Atsumu asked immediately. "That was in elementary school." the younger boy immediately reprimanded him.

"I'll manage...somehow." Hanabi smiled and was examined from time to time by the doctors who came in between the conversations.

"Should we bring them something from school?" asked Osamu, who was still quite in control of himself. The sight was difficult for him too, but someone had to be strong enough to help everyone. "That's sweet of you, but Mitsuri bring me something." Hanabi smiled and hoped that she could smuggle something out without incident.

"You really didn't tell anyone?" Atsumu wanted to know this time, while her mother continued to cry and tried to calm down. "Yes, and I never noticed. Well...until today."

Just as Atsumu was about to say something, the doctor in charge came in and asked her family to leave the room for a few more examinations. She also thought that it would certainly be unpleasant for some of them, which is why Hanabi just smiled and promised that everything would be fine. Because that was the only way she could get her mother out of the room, who had to be literally dragged out by her brothers.

"Hanabi, we're going to start the treatment. It could be quite difficult at first."

"And you're telling me this alone now because?" "Because I could see that your mother wouldn't be able to cope. We both don't want her to break down too, right?" Hanabi shook her head and received more information about the procedure. From what she could tell, it would be a long road for her until she really got well.

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