Chapter 42

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"Hanabi!" came from Wakatoshi in horror as he got over this nightmare. The bed in front of him, where the girl must be lying, was empty. Panic rose in him as he stood up and looked around. "Hanabi!" came from him again as he could make out a small light in the darkness and walked towards it.

Several noises came from the bathroom, so he simply opened the door wider and exhaled with relief when he saw Hanabi alive. Without thinking, he ran up to the blonde and knelt down to stroke her back, something he had always done when she threw up.

"Wakatoshi..." Hanabi spoke tearfully, her whole body trembling. All this treatment was just wearing her down. "I'm here..." said the boy, who quickly took her in his arms.

About a week had passed since her collapse. A week in which Hanabi felt even worse than usual. "You...called me. Are you all right?" Hanabi asked, exhausted. "I just had a nightmare, nothing more." Wakatoshi spoke softly, stroked her slightly sweaty hair and kissed her forehead.

"Tell me." Hanabi asked, pressing herself against his chest to receive the warmth from him. As she had often done in the last few days, she always sat in his arms while he simply held her close. Besides him, her family came to visit every day, but Mitsuri and Tendou kept coming too. Although Tendou wanted to go to France, he stayed to support Hanabi. Especially because she had given him this good baking book and always brought her something homemade. It was actually sweet of him to go to so much trouble with something she could hardly eat. Not because it tasted awful, but rather because she could hardly get anything in her stomach.

But Wakatoshi also came every day, despite his training with the Schweiden Adlers. Sometimes Hanabi wondered if it wasn't getting too exhausting. "I dreamt about your death." came from him in a monotone. Hanabi could hear the vulnerability in his voice and bit her lip gently. "It was shortly after your operation. I...I don't want that..."

"It's okay, Wakatoshi. It was just a dream." Hanabi assured him softly and put her ear to his chest to hear his aching heart. She felt the same way he did. "I'm scared too." she admitted and curled her fingers into his top. "Just like you..."

Wakatoshi pulled the weak girl even closer to him and buried his face in her hair. So she was also afraid that she wouldn't make it? "'s not bad to be afraid, is it?" Hanabi asked. "I guess everyone is afraid of something." Wakatoshi spoke a little more calmly.

"I'll do my best, just like you in your new team. I'll keep fighting even after the operation." Hanabi promised and raised her head slightly. "And when I'm healthy, I'll come and cheer you on in every game." she smiled and immediately felt his warm lips on hers, which were released shortly afterwards before Wakatoshi pulled her head back against his chest to hold her close.

"I'll look forward to that, Hanabi." Wakatoshi whispered, hoping that this would really happen.

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