Chapter 15

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The first semester break had begun, which Hanabi had planned to spend at home with her family. Not much had happened for her until then. Her daily routine was pretty much the same. School, training and, if she had any time left over, she had spent it studying or playing with Mitsuri.

There were also some training games, which Hanabi hadn't seen for a long time. Actually, they were all pretty boring until the training match against Aoba Josai. That was when she really got that nervous feeling again that came with scoring points.

She had actually missed the excitement and had been very glad that she had made the right decision in that match. Hanabi was also starting to like the one-on-one training with Wakatoshi and was able to get a lot out of the boy from time to time. He was still pretty quiet and clueless, but she actually found it quite cute.

Just as she got off the train at her former stop, a familiar scent hit her nose, with a small one coming out as she exhaled. As always, it was quite chilly in this area, which was why she would prefer to go back. However, she had promised her family that she would spend the winter vacations here.

The good thing about the Shiratorizawa was that they didn't have to go to the spring tournament and qualify for the high school tournament. As far as she knew, it was the same case with Aoba Josai. This Tooru Oikawa had told Wakatoshi that he would win the upper school tournament.

So it wasn't a problem for Tanji that Hanabi wouldn't be at training for a while. Well, maybe he thought she would learn some new things from her brothers during the vacation.

"I'm here!" Hanabi called out as she entered the house and it was unusually quiet. "Is anyone there?" she asked and a few seconds later she looked into her mother's face.

"Hanabi, you're here already?" "Yes, I took a train earlier." explained the blonde. "I see." the woman smiled and looked wistfully at her daughter. "Your brothers won't be coming."

"Why not? That was the deal," Hanabi said, slightly disappointed. Yes, she had missed the twins a lot in the last few weeks. Writing to each other just wasn't the same. "They said they had to train before the national championships started. Atsumu will also be going to the intensive training camp."

Hanabi exhaled and nodded. "Did they at least tell you personally on the phone or did they just write?" "Osamu called me and explained it to me." her mother smiled, which reassured Hanabi a little. At least Osamu explained it to her clearly. Atsumu would probably have spoken without thinking and not really paid attention to her feelings.

"Oh, Hanabi, have you been to your annual check-up yet?" her mother wanted to know. "No, but I'm going to the hospital tomorrow." Why a check-up? Quite simply, her mother was quite overprotective and had asked her children to have a check-up every year because she was afraid that someone was ill.

Hanabi had known about it since she was little and had simply forgotten about it because of school. Sometimes her mother just worried far too much. "Good." The blonde woman smiled. "Then sit down first and tell me about your school."

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