Chapter 45

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The ground shook, loud shouts echoed around, instruments could be heard as all these noises penetrated the bodies. The game of the Silent Eagles had long since begun and Hanabi had had to persuade her mother for a long time to let her go.

The doctors had assured her that the cancer had disappeared for the time being and that it had been labeled as benign on further examination. Hanabi was therefore very confident that nothing would happen to her and had taken her mother with her.

What's more, Hanabi was carrying around a large poster that she had drawn at the hospital. On it, she had painted Wakatoshi with the colors of the eagle's tail and his number, which he always was for her. The number one. Even if Wakatoshi was not currently number one in this team, he was still number one for Miya.

His support had given her strength. The strength that she had almost lost herself when she had painted the big picture. Without Wakatoshi, Hanabi didn't know what she would have done. She probably still wouldn't have gone to an art exhibition, nor to such a volleyball match.

You could almost think that Hanabi had always had an artist's heart that beat for several people. She could get along with many people and had never judged anyone. The funny thing was that Mitsuri had told her when Hanabi had asked the black-haired girl about Atsumu. Just smiling, Hanabi had told her that it would be okay if they met. And lo and behold, Mitsuri had actually fallen in love with her arrogant brother, who even treated her rather sweetly.

"Look, there he is." said Hanabi's mother, pointing to the ace who had just scored a point. Hanabi automatically started to smile and began to unfold the poster. During this time, she continued to hear the loud noises coming from her opponent.

On the scoreboard, Hanabi could see how the Schweiden Adler were behind. Perhaps it was also because Wakatoshi wasn't giving everything he had learned. Slightly annoyed, Hanabi exhaled and pressed one side of the poster into her mother's hands while she moved slightly away so that she could spread it out.

"Come on Ushijima! Win this game!" Hanabi shouted loudly so that he could hear and was already annoyed at how a fan was pestering him again. He also hated it when people shouted his surname so loudly. "Uhh, Ushijima, you've got a pretty cute fan." laughed one of his comrades, causing the ace to look up curiously.

And right at that moment, Wakatoshi's eyes widened as he saw Hanabi smiling and jumping up a little, waving happily at him as the large poster moved towards him.

His heart was racing incredibly fast, while a great sense of relief had prepared itself in his body. She was here, his Hanabi had really come and she was fine.

So well that she could cheer him on like a little kid, his eyes simply gazing at the poster. "You are and always will be my number one." It said, encouraging him to really win this game.

The heart of an artist Wakatoshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now