Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry Hanabi, but I can't accept your registration." , the art teacher spoke softly as Hanabi stood in front of her. "Why not? Are the drawings that bad?"

"No, that's not it. The drawings you gave me are great. But I can't accept the registration because you already belong to another club." The woman explained, causing Hanabi to tilt her head. ""

"Yes, you've already signed up for the volleyball club." , she smiled, which made Hanabi's eye twitch briefly. "I should what?" "Shortly after you gave me the registration and I was in the staff room, I was immediately told that you were going to be a manager. At least that's what Akira and Tanji said."

Hanabi's eye twitched again before her hands clenched into fists and she became angry. How dare they just sign her up!? "Hanabi, is everything okay?" the woman asked. "Yes thank you." Hanabi said in a friendly manner before she said goodbye and ran straight out of the club building.

What many could see at that moment, who briefly encountered her, was an aura that was to be feared. Although Hanabi was as calm as Osamu, she could really become like Atsumu at times.

Her path led directly to the gym, which she entered with her outside shoes on and opened her mouth when she could see the trainers. "Which one of you had permission to just register me here!?"

The volleyball players' entire training game was interrupted, with Kai twitching briefly while Tendou was slightly amused. "Me, girl." , it came directly from Tanji, who had turned and looked at her.

Not a single emotion was visible as Hanabi killed him with her eyes. "Take back my registration!" she immediately demanded. "Why should I? You know volleyball and can give the boys some tips. You have experience in this sport."

"Don't you want to understand me or are you just stupid old man!?" it came straight out of her mouth, which shocked even Wakatoshi. Nobody had ever dared to speak to the coach like that.

With her arms folded behind her back, Tanji looked at the girl. He had to admit, she had guts. He had also heard and read a lot about the Miya twins. From the looks of it, Hanabi was a mix of the two and was acting almost like Atsumu.

"I know you didn't want it, but I want you here in this club. I don't care how much you hate volleyball, but I won't deny myself the chance to bring my team victory. Our goal is the high school tournament." , he spoke calmly as if Hanabi hadn't insulted him.

"I won't join this club!" Hanabi hissed and heard a cheerful laugh from Tendou. "I think it's great how Miya extends her claws. It would be a lot of fun for me if you stayed here."

"I especially don't want to stay because of you." , came from Hanabi and again heard a voice that she had rarely heard before. "Give us a week to show you it's worth it." , Wakatoshi spoke monotonously and was not averse to receiving some tips from her.

"Huh?" the blonde said more calmly. "If after a week you don't notice that you still don't enjoy volleyball, you can leave. If the opposite happens, you will remain our manager."

Hanabi thought about his words for a moment. She would manage a week after all. She certainly wasn't going to enjoy it at this time, so she looked up at him and held out her hand. "Deal, but let me tell you this, Ushijima. I will not be gentle with you during training."

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