Chapter 37

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Hanabi remained silent again, while Mitsuri couldn't believe what she had just heard. How could it be that she hadn't heard anything in all these months? "Don't lie to me!" Mitsuri scolded, crying. "I'm not..." Hanabi mumbled softly and turned her head towards her again. "I've known since my annual check-up and I've only told everyone that I have a deficiency."

"Your family too!?" Mitsuri wanted to know, which made Hanabi nod. "Yes, I didn't want anyone to know. Not even my mother." Hanabi admitted and closed her eyes briefly.

"I...wanted to avoid exactly what I see with you now. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. I would certainly have managed without telling anyone." "Do you know how stupid you are Hanabi! I was worried when you collapsed! I blamed myself for overloading you with shopping! I...I could have helped you!"

Hanabi glared at her best friend. "I..." "Is that why you tried to distance yourself from everyone and started to change because of that!?" the black-haired girl wanted to know, which is why Hanabi simply nodded.

"And when would you have told us something!? When you were dead or what?!" "I don't know." Hanabi admitted.

Tears ran down Mitsuri's already reddened face. "'re an...idiot!" she scolded and was smiled at gently. "I know..."

After her brief outburst, Mitsuri sat down in the chair by her bed. "This picture...which you want to give to Wakatoshi..." "Should be a reminder to all of us." Hanabi explained. "You love him, but you don't tell him because you don't want to give him this pain if you really die, right?"

"Yes, that's how I planned it." Hanabi whispered, placing her cool hand on hers. "I tried to suppress this feeling for a long time. To stay away from him, but... since the day he took me to that art exhibition, I've given up. My heart wanted to be with him."

Mitsuri smiled and put her free hand on Hanabi's to warm it somehow. "You were even able to bypass Tendou's instinct..." she joked. Hanabi laughed softly. "I was wondering about that too."

"Should I tell them you're here?" asked Mitsuri, somehow also wanting Wakatoshi not to know. She didn't know him as well as Tendou or Hanabi, but she could well imagine how painful it would be if he loved her. "I guess they'll find out without you. After all, I have to stay here until I have the operation."

"And do you already know when it will be?" asked Mitsuri. "No, but certainly in the summer vacation. Until then, I have to stay here and be connected to this stuff." Hanabi explained and raised her right arm. "But you could do me a favor."

"Which one?" the black-haired girl wanted to know. "You could take me a few things from school. Clothes and something to keep me occupied."

Smiling, Mitsuri looked at her best friend. "I'll get you something as soon as I'm relieved."

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