Chapter 40

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Wakatoshi continued to hold her hand while he simply let her cry. Hanabi let all the weight out of her and felt the relief in her heart. She had never thought that Wakatoshi had such feelings and would keep her lie to himself.

After Hanabi was able to calm down, she felt a large hand on her cheek, causing her to open her eyes. Just by this gesture, her whole body was filled with his warmth. "Don't give up, Hanabi." Wakatoshi spoke and looked into her green, slightly dull eyes.

"I've already lost my mother to cancer." he said, hoping that things would be different for Hanabi. "I'll do my best." Hanabi promised quietly and closed her eyes briefly. All this therapy was taking far too much energy.

"I...have a present for your graduation." Hanabi said shortly afterwards and pointed to the chest of drawers next to her with her free hand, which she had placed over her stomach. Since it was to the side, it was no problem for Hanabi to watch Wakatoshi open the drawer with one hand, as he didn't want to let go of hers.

As soon as he had the large pad in his hands, he looked questioningly at the girl. "You're giving me a drawing pad?" "No...just what's inside."

Wakatoshi briefly placed the pad on her bed to open it. And the first picture he saw barely allowed him to breathe. All the colors shimmered against him, while he could make out every single face. Every single detail was visible, he could even see the color of her eyes. But something made his heart beat faster when he saw how he could stand next to Hanabi in the picture and hold her hand.

"Congratulations on your graduation." Hanabi smiled as she looked into his slightly shimmering eyes. "Is that...what you drew under the tree?" he asked. "Yes, and you interrupted me." The girl grinned and smiled softly at him. "Thank you."

"It gets weirder and weirder when you show your feelings, Ushijima." , Hanabi spoke. "I still have no idea about everything sometimes, but...Tendou and you helped me with that." , the boy admitted and placed his hand on her cool cheek again. "And I guess, even though I don't really know and understand this feeling, I love you."

Hanabi was briefly surprised by Wakatoshi and turned slightly red around the nose, if it was even possible in her condition. "You know what, Wakatoshi. I tried to keep you at a distance for a long time because I didn't want you to feel a great loss because of me. I wanted distance because I didn't want me to have a closer relationship with you and the others went totally wrong. My heart wanted to be with you, which is why I wanted to spend time with you and let everything come to me."

While Hanabi talked about it, Wakatoshi just looked into her eyes. He could see how many feelings were hidden behind them and that she had meant everything sincerely.

Her smile wasn't a lie this time either, which is why he squeezed her hand gently. "Even if you don't really know this feeling, I'd like to show you when I've done everything. I will fight this cancer no matter how long it takes." Hanabi promised and looked at Wakatoshi.

"That's why...I can tell you with a clear conscience that I love you too, Wakatoshi." Hanabi whispered and squeezed his hand herself. Although there was a small silence, none of them were disturbed. Not even Wakatoshi, who carefully approached her and dared to place his lips on hers.

And although Hanabi had hardly any strength left, she managed to return the kiss and felt her heart begin to pound. A heart that was allowed to beat through this boy and gave her the feeling that she could fight for something. A fight that she had been fighting for a few days and that she could hopefully win.

The heart of an artist Wakatoshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now