Chapter 20

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"What, you want to go jogging?" asked Tendou incredulously as the first official training session resumed. "Yes...I have a vitamin D deficiency." Hanabi admitted to them. This thought had already occurred to her when she had arrived at the Shiratorizawa, which is why she now smiled and stood in front of them in all her clothes.

"Why don't you let her come with us?" Wakatoshi simply said and waited to finally set off. Immediately after his sentence, Tanji also demanded that they should finally set off, which was why everyone ran off and Hanabi ran along in the middle of a large group of boys.

Without realizing it herself, she had caught up with Wakatoshi, who looked down at her briefly. Was she perhaps running so fast because of her brothers?

"How was your vacation?" "Huh? Oh...pretty good. But my brothers didn't come." Hanabi spoke and was briefly surprised that Wakatoshi addressed her. "Yours?" she asked politely. "As always."

It was obvious that he would answer like that. However, Hanabi smiled and jogged on beside him, slowing his pace slightly. He had realized that he was a little too fast for her, but he didn't want to leave her alone. This feeling of wanting to be with her just wouldn't let him go.

"Vitamin D deficiency?" he asked. "Yes, my mother is overprotective and asks us to have a check-up every year." Hanabi said and laughed briefly. "But I didn't tell her about this shortage because she'd just worry."

Just then, Wakatoshi raised his eyebrow. There was something wrong with her. He had no idea about such things, but he knew Hanabi well enough by now. She wasn't lying to him, but she was hiding something. Hanabi would never conceal this shortcoming from her mother unless there was more to it.

Just as they arrived at the road, they stopped briefly and two people approached, looking at the two of them. "You're from the Karasuno." Hanabi realized as soon as she saw their tracksuits. "Oh yes, we're going to take part in the spring tournament!" the orange-haired one said excitedly, which Wakatoshi ignored. So the Karasuno really wanted to join in with the best again?

"Hanabi." Wakatoshi spoke before she looked at him and ran off. "Hey, wait!" shouted the black-haired man, who ran after his companion. Admittedly, they were really fast. So fast, in fact, that they were able to keep up and were now standing behind the Shiratorizawa.

"Where's your team?" asked the smaller one. "Too slow." Wakatoshi said and looked at the younger one. "You're the asphalt that's not good enough to keep up with us." he said immediately, which made the orange-haired boy angry and he snatched the ball away, which Wakatoshi had thrown up. Man, can he jump high.

"We'll show you who's better," said the boy, and the names were immediately mentioned. Tobio Kageyama and Shoyo Hinata. The two were interesting.

When the two left, Hanabi was left alone again with Wakatoshi, who looked at her a little too intensely. "Just vitamin D deficiency?" he asked. "Huh? Yeah, why?" "Because you're lying."

At that moment, Hanabi swallowed before smiling. "Not at all, but I have to go now or I'll miss class!" she grinned and ran into the girls' building. How could Wakatoshi have realized that she was lying? Usually it was always Tendou who recognized everything faster.

As quickly as she could, Hanabi ran to her room, which she opened, stepped inside and immediately closed the door behind her. Just when she knew she was alone, she let her tears run free. As if of her own accord, Hanabi sank to the floor and placed her palms on her face.

She was not allowed to give in to her lie. She couldn't get too close to anyone, not even Wakatoshi. It would be far too dangerous for them all. Because the exhaustion Hanabi had noticed was not only due to her shortcomings. That wasn't the only reason she kept quiet about everything else. Because there was something she would never tell anyone.

Her gaze slid to the piece of paper on her desk as she realized how much she really liked Wakatoshi. But she had to stop that feeling. The feeling of loving someone who wouldn't understand or recognize this pain. She simply couldn't fall in love with this ace. Because the last sentence of her reply was something that not even she would have expected.

"I'm sorry...please forgive me..." Hanabi breathed softly before pulling her legs towards her and just sitting in front of the door.

Written slightly thickly and at an angle, there was only one thing you could read on this paper. "Early stage lung cancer."

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