Chapter 36

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Everything was black for Hanabi. Quiet voices could be heard, which reached her ears again and again. Among them was Mitsuri, who had asked someone to go with her, before Hanabi was once again oblivious.

When she regained consciousness, she was blinded by a light shining in her eyes, a young woman looking into her green eyes. "She's awake." she heard the doctor say, who briefly disappeared from her line of sight. At that moment, Hanabi had time to look around and recognized nothing but white walls and furniture.

There was no sign of Mitsuri, so Hanabi assumed that she was waiting for her somewhere behind the closed door. "Have you been able to reach her?" she heard a voice again, causing Hanabi to panic slightly. "Please...don't..." she breathed softly and recognized the doctor in front of her again. "You're not of age, we have to inform your parents."

Tears leaked from Hanabi's eyes. She didn't want anyone to know. Mitsuri was bad enough. "Your friend is waiting outside." , informed the doctor, who connected an IV to her arm. "I've made myself aware of your file."

Now Hanabi could no longer keep anything from this doctor. She had probably phoned her other doctor and tried to call her mother straight away. "Please...I don't want that..." "Hanabi, I know how you must feel. But your family needs to know. Especially because you're going to have an operation."

Everything Hanabi had been trying to hide for several months went completely wrong at that moment. She knew how much her mother would suffer if she showed up here. "So you'll have to stay here."

Hanabi looked away from the doctor silently and could immediately see the blue sky through the window. How stupid she had been to go shopping with Mitsuri. If she had refused, she could have spent the day in her room. "Hanabi, I'll be honest with you. You wouldn't have lasted any longer anyway. Your body knew that and that's why you collapsed."

Hanabi remained silent. So had she collapsed alone in her room and nobody noticed? So was it a sign that it had happened to Mitsuri? A sign that she should go on living?

"As soon as we have reached your family, we will inform them of your condition. But you should tell your friend yourself." said the doctor, who briefly stroked her arm and left the room. Hanabi knew that there was no turning back and heard a loud voice a few seconds later.

"Hanabi! Thank God, you're all right!" shouted Mitsuri, who stopped in front of her bed and had to swallow. " wrong with you?" the black-haired girl asked as soon as she could see her face. Deep circles under her eyes and a pale face. "Hanabi! Talk to me!" Mitsuri ordered when she couldn't hear an answer.

Only slowly did Hanabi turn her face to the black-haired girl, who was holding both of their backpacks tightly in her hands. " sick Mitsuri...," Hanabi spoke softly and looked out the window again. "" she said, her whole body trembling.

"Since...the winter vacation Mitsuri. I don't just have a vitamin D deficiency." "Then what? Hanabi, you're scaring me!" came from Mitsuri, slightly tearful, which is why Hanabi could understand her pain. She had probably looked the same when she saw the results. "I have lung cancer..."

Right at that moment, Hanabi could only hear the backpacks fall to the ground before Mitsuri opened her mouth, trembling. "What..."

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