Chapter 41

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A gentle, warm summer wind blew through the area which was brightly lit by the sun. Small petals from the various trees rustled around, some falling to the ground or being carried on the wind.

Crickets could be heard, as well as the birds chirping around. It was like a melody that nature had provided for the day. A melody that sounded beautiful but somehow also sad.

The blue sky was covered with light white clouds. Like cotton candy, they flew over several heads, which could feel the sun immediately afterwards.

A small ray of sunlight shone right through the shadows formed by the crowd. A crowd of people who had gathered to share something together. Unfortunately, this didn't mean a cake from a birthday party, no, it was the grief they were sharing.

A few people stood silently on the beautiful flower meadow, with only one person sobbing and crying loudly. The older blonde woman stood together with her family, who were trying to comfort her.

Goose bumps formed among the guests, who simply could not bear the grief. Not even the boy, who had lowered his gaze slightly and was looking at the photo that was shining towards him, illuminated by this very ray of sunshine. As if this person was here and wanted to give everyone warmth.

The smile he could see in this photo made his heart break even more. A warm and beautiful smile that he had loved so much and had been given again and again. The smile of the girl he had loved so much that his heart could no longer bear to be here.

However, his body resisted simply walking away. His eyes turned to her family, who were holding each other. He could even see several tears from the twins, one of whom wanted to stay strong.

It had been maybe a week since the operation. It happened during the summer vacation, and he had been promised that she would fight. But she had also lost the battle that his mother had once lost.

The fight against cancer, which had been hell.

 "Hanabi really loved you." a sad and gentle voice spoke next to him, causing him to look down at the black-haired girl. "The picture she gave you was her greatest treasure, which she had entrusted to you. She had prepared herself for this day." Mitsuri spoke and smiled gently.

"I..." "It's okay, Wakatoshi. She already told me that you can't really talk about feelings." Mitsuri spoke and looked at Hanabi's picture which was placed above her memorial. The gravestone was made of a bright white, with her name highlighted in shimmering gold. It was actually a beautiful piece of art for someone who loved art.

"No matter where she is now, Wakatoshi. She's watching over us." spoke the girl, who now couldn't hold back her tears. "She fought and she fought for you. Unfortunately, the cancer was stronger and not even Hanabi could do anything."

Wakatoshi remained silent and looked at the beautiful face of his deceased friend. He knew when this photo had been taken. It was a day when they had gone out to eat with Mitsuri, Tendou and him. At that time, she was cheerful and still full of energy. As far as he knew, it was just before the winter vacations, before she was diagnosed. A day full of wonderful memories.

Wakatoshi was so lost in his thoughts and memories that he didn't realize that he was now standing alone in front of her grave and couldn't help but start crying and sink to his knees. Once again he had lost someone important to him and twice from such a shitty disease.

Why did someone he had feelings for always have to disappear from his life? Why couldn't someone just stay with him?

"It's okay, Wakatoshi. Let it out." a familiar voice spoke, placing a hand on his shoulders. It was Tendou, who had arrived a little late from France and now wanted to comfort his best friend. A friend he had never seen cry before.

"Hanabi...she...she's gone..." cried the ace of the Schweiden Adlers who could no longer keep his heart under control. "Hanabi..." he whispered in tears, while his heart was broken into several pieces. His heart, which simply cried out for her and couldn't help but beat for this girl.


The heart of an artist Wakatoshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now