Chapter 29

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A few days had passed since the high school tournament and Hanabi was really able to lie to the players, with Wakatoshi looking at her questioningly. With her typical smile and words of encouragement, the team had a smile on their faces again and chatted happily on the way back.

Unfortunately, Hanabi didn't have much time left with Wakatoshi. Although she had sought the distance at the beginning, she had long since given up on it. She just couldn't get rid of him and Tendou, just like Mitsuri. What she did notice, however, was that Tanji was organizing a training camp for the first-year students.

When Hanabi asked her to prepare something for these guests, she stood alone in the school kitchen and tried to cook something edible. In the process, she cut my finger several times and grumbled to herself.

"Pens are probably better in your hands." Wakatoshi said as he passed by. "Shut up..." Hanabi muttered in a huff and groaned in annoyance. "I've never cooked myself." "You can tell."

"What are you doing here? Watching me and insulting me?" Hanabi asked somewhat irritably and arrogantly, which actually made Wakatoshi smile a little. She could be a bit more arrogant again if she wanted to. "No, I just wanted to see if you were still alive."

"Don't worry, I know how to hold a knife in my hands. I couldn't kill myself with it." Hanabi replied of his own accord. He had actually meant this sentence completely seriously. Each time, Wakatoshi hoped that he could see Hanabi alive. However, he left it at that and stood by her. "You need to cut it a little smaller."

"Huh? You can cook?" Hanabi asked, confused. "My father wasn't around much and my mother died when I was little. So I was taught how to do it." explained the ace and showed her how to do it better.

"You...don't have to help me." Hanabi said on the side, stirring the stew with a ladle. "I have nothing to do right now. The first-year students are training themselves."

The blonde nodded in understanding. "How are they?" "They're all right. That Hinata sneaked in." Wakatoshi said and somehow it seemed to Hanabi as if he was slowly coming out of his shell and talking. She thought it was nice that he was starting to learn that life wasn't just about volleyball. "I see."

Silence fell for a long while as the stew simmered away and Hanabi looked at the light bubbles. "Youuu? Wakatoshi?" came out of her mouth like a small child.

Wakatoshi immediately looked down questioningly at the girl, who was looking shyly to the side at that moment. "Do you have any plans during the national championships?" she wanted to know, hoping that she wasn't going alone. "No, why?" the older man asked, which was why Hanabi didn't immediately dare.

" accompany me there?" she asked quietly, holding the ladle firmly in her hand. "The Inarizaki are playing there, aren't they?" the question came right back, so Hanabi nodded. "Yes, Osamu wrote to me after Atsumu went to this intensive training. He said they would play on the second day."

Wakatoshi actually wanted to study for his final exams. However, he could see that Hanabi would like to watch her brothers. Of course, she hadn't been able to see the twins for a long time. Would they realize that something was wrong with her? He also didn't want to let her go there alone. Hanabi could collapse at any time and he didn't want to risk that.

"I'll go with you." he said, causing Hanabi to smile and look at him happily. "Thank you very much, Wakatoshi."

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