Chapter 5: The Invastigation

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P.O.V. Nikki

As Tessy and Colby went outside to get some fresh air, me and Sam stayed to try and get some activity. Sam set up the rem pod in the vault. I was standing with the emf in my hand. When Sam wasn't looking in my direction it spiked up. "Sam, it's spiking!" Sam stood up and walked towards my side. He was standing so close to me that I could feel his warmth. I looked up into his ocean blue eyes.

We kept on staring. I took a step back as I heard Colby and Tessy coming back. Colby made a joke about it being so quiet. Sam just told him we heard something. Sam looked at me and smiled. I knew he wanted to keep that moment between us for now.

The rem pod started going crazy. After a while we tried using the ovules. We got nothing so we went outside trying to spot the lady in the white gown. We stood outside when I looked at the window from our room. "Did you put the light on?" I asked Tessy. "She looked at me and then the window. "No I did not, I think.." Sam and Colby looked at us "you guys didn't put on the light?!" We shook our heads.

We went inside towards our room. I put the key in the keyhole. I was talking as I looked over my shoulder and felt the key turn in my hand. I looked back in shock. "That didn't just facking happen.." Sam luckily pointed the camera the right way. Sam looked at me as he asked if I wanted to walk alone into the room to check it out. I agreed.

Sam gave me his camera as Tessy told me not to die inside. I opened the door and walked inside. The door closed behind me. I walked over to the lamp. I tried putting the light out but it was harder than I thought. Knowing we didn't put it on then. I walked around, but nothing looked suspicious. I let Sam, Tessy and Colby in. Tessy told me she heard two voices. "Where you talking to someone?" I told Tessy that I was whispering to myself.

We left one of the camera's as we went to the boys' room. We walked in the hallway when we spotted a mirror. We made the famous mirror selfie with them. We went inside the room when it was creepier than our room. All the lights were off. But they had a huge bed. Sam jumped on it, which made me laugh. Tessy was checking out the bathroom when she screamed. We ran towards the bathroom when she said "Sorry, I saw my own reflection." We all laughed.

We sat down as Sam placed some flashlights in the room. "If there is any spirit here, can you give us a sign?" Sam asks as he sits down. The flashlight turns on. It caught me off guard. I grabbed the first hand I found thinking it was Tessy. I feel a light squish as I look down to the hand. But the hand looks too manly to be Tessy's. I meet Sam's eyes. I started blushing immediately. He didn't let go and neither was I. Maybe he just thought I needed the support, right?

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