Chapter 14: Isn't It Obvious

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P.O.V. Tessy

Colby and I arrive home from our date. We walk in and there I look at Nikki and Sam almost kissing. The door shuts hard behind us and Nikki shoots away from Sam and looks right at me. "We need to talk," I say to Nikki with a bit of a stern look. I smile softly at Colby before I walk over to her.

We walk to the backyard so the guys won't hear us. "What the fuck just happened?" I ask super confused. Nikki tried explaining, but I saw that it affected her much. "Hey, it's okay. You can talk to me." I reassure her. "He told me he wanted to meet up, quote: as friends. He burned his hand which I was treating when he all of a sudden stroked my hair behind my ear. That's when you walked in." She tells me with confusion.

"Ohww, no worries. I was just a bit in shock, btw Colby and I also almost kissed at the museum. Yes, he took me to a fucking museum." I say way too happy. Nikki looks at me with a smirk. "The date was super fun but now let's go back to the guys, you really need to talk to Sam."

"But he wants to be friends. Nothing more.." Nikki says with disappointment. "Girl, just wants to be friends? He clearly likes you, isn't it obvious?" I pretend to smack her head. She walks back inside and I follow. Colby is waiting for me in the living room.

Nikki walks away to find Sam and I walk over to Colby who is clearly staring at me. I blush and giggle. "What are you laughing at," he looks at me with a grin. "Nothing, it's just you..." I am now standing very close to him. I look at his lips and back up at his ocean blue eyes. He also looks at my lips. He's breathing is getting slower, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. I wrap my hand around his neck while he smashes his lips against mine.

We pull away from a long sweet kiss. "I wanted to ask you something." Colby says with a huge smile on his face. "You can ask me anything, Colbs." I still hold him close to me. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously. "Wait? Seriously? Omg yes I would love that," I hug him tightly before he pulls me into a kiss again but this time the kiss is a little bit rougher.

P.O.V. Nikki

After my talk with Tessy I walk back into the living room. Sam is nowhere to be seen. Tessy walks over to Colby. I first tried the kitchen. No one was there. I knew he must have been in his room, but maybe I was avoiding it.

I walked up the stairs. I wanted to walk down again 5 times, but I didn't. I thought about what I wanted to say but once I knocked on the door everything left my mind. "Colby, if it's you again I am not gonna say what happened." I hear. "No ehh it's me" I hear someone storming to the door. After a second the door is open. "Hey, come in." he says. I walk into his room. He closes the door and stands there.

"I just wanted to say that, it isn't fair to me. You said we would hang out as friends.. With what almost happened today you are gonna confuse me.. It's-" It took Sam three passes to get to me. His lips crashed onto mine. I had no time to think about what happened. He pulled me closer by the waist. I place my arms around his neck.

We break apart when he says: "I thought you were never going to shut up." I laugh. "I've liked you since we got to know eachother better. I just didn't know if you felt the same way." I look him in the eyes. I kiss him again to show I feel the same way. "Why did you think we shared the bed dummy!" We both laugh.

Sam looked at me "But uhmm.. we basically did a date right? So do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I laugh "Yes, but you have to give me a proper date because you burned your hand. By the way, how is your hand?" "It's good thanks to you." He kissed my forehead.

We walked downstairs as we caught Colby and Tessy in the middle of something. Sam puts his hands before my eyes. "Hey, that's not fair! why do you get to see it and I don't!" I hit his stomach. "Ow" Sam crumbles. Colby and Tessy shoot away from each other and when they look at us and we all start to laugh.

"You girls wanna stay the night?" Colby asks while looking at Tessy. "Well I don't know about that, Because my girlfriend hurt me twice this evening." Sam ads. Tessy looks angry at Sam. "Okay sorry.." Sam kisses my head while he looks at Tessy to get forgiveness. 

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