Chapter 9: We Meet Again

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Weeks later after we first met

P.O.V. Nikki

The alarm sounds at 6.30 in the morning. I put on my sports outfit. brush my teeth and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I grab my headphones and the leash from Buddy. I Walk out the door and head for the park. I run my normal course.

Buddy sees a squirrel and makes a run for it. "Oh shit..." I run with him to make sure I won't fall. I bump into someone. "Sorry!" I scream over my shoulder. After a few minutes Buddy comes to a stop. "Finally I thought you would never stop." I hear a tired voice behind me. I turn to look at the person. "Sam? What are you doing here?" I said out of breath too.

We walked to a bench nearby. "I run every morning." Sam tells me. I gesture to Buddy. "Me too and of course I need to take Buddy for a walk." Buddy is unfaced, chewing on a stick. "I see," Sam laughs. "Maybe we could run together. I would love some company." I was still processing what he was asking me. "I mean if buddy wants me too of course." Sam says. "Buddy has no choice after what he did today" I say laughing.

Sam walked me all the way back to our house. "I was thinking, would you girls like to watch a movie at our place tonight?" I looked at Sam with a smile. "Yes of course!" "Great, see you tonight then!" And with that I walked back inside.

P.O.V. Tessy

I get woken up by something jumping on me, I groan softly because I'm still super tired. Eventually I open my eyes and I see Buddy laying next to me with his head on my chest. He's cuddled into me so I let him sit there for another 10 minutes while I scroll through my pinterest page.

It's 10 am so time to get out of bed. Buddy follows me to the kitchen in the hope he gets a snack. I make a bowl with cereal and a coffee. I secretly give Buddy a piece of ham and then he follows me to When I put my dishes in the dishwasher I get a notification on my phone. It's Colby so I opened the message immediately.the living room. I put on a Johnnie Guilbert video and I start eating my breakfast while Buddy is laying next to me on the couch. Not that much later Nikki joins me on the couch and we watch some youtube together and she tells me that we're invited to Sam and Colby's place for a movie night.

Colby 🖤
I'm so excited for tonight's movie night!

Sameee, can't wait to see you guys again. (Especially you😉)

Colby 🖤
Sameee. Any other plans for today?

Yess, I have dance in like an hour so I'm getting ready now.

What about you??

Colby 🖤
Cool! What kind of dance do you do??

I do contemporary and street dance 4 hours a week and I'm training now for a competition.

The chat continues on while I'm getting ready for dance. After I got ready and packed my stuff I said goodbye to Nikki and Buddy and headed to the dance studio.

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