Chapter 20: Entity

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P.O.V. Nikki

Sam walks with me to the kitchen where I left the emf. I thought I left it on the table but it was now behind a chair against the wall. As I want to grab it I feel a sharp pain on my back. I turned to look if Sam was the guilty one, but he was standing on the other side of the table. "What's wrong, my love?" Sam walks over to me. "Can you look at my back?" I turn and hold up the hoodie I am wearing.

"What the hell?!" Sam takes his phone and takes a photo for me to see. He shows me his phone. I look shocked. My back is covered in three scratch marks. "How is that even possible? You were standing right there." I put down my hoodie. Sam walks into the living room again as I follow him. "You guys should see this!" Sam says. I show my back. Tessy looks shocked, like she has seen it before.

Tessy Tells what she saw. Sam made sure it wasn't bleeding. The owner of the house brought some bandages to be sure. They placed some on the places they thought were bleeding. Sam and Colby wanted to split up. "You girls could try the second floor. Take the rem pod and ovules. I did as Sam told me. We took walkie talkies to keep in contact.

Colby kissed Tessy and Sam kissed me. "Be safe girls. If you need us please call." They walked off as we were now alone in the house. I was holding the camera as Tessy walked with the rem pod. "It's gonna be fine right?" I say with a tremble. Something knocked in response. "Yeah no." Tessy ads. We walk upstairs and sit in the middle room.

I place the camera on a dresser. Tessy sets up the rem pod in the closet as Colby instructed her to do. I put on the ovules. It immediately started spitting words. 'Forest' 'entity' 'grave'. "These are weird words.." Tessy looks at me. The rem pod goes off. Tessy jumps towards where I am standing. I take her in my arms as I start asking questions.

"Are you in this room we are in right now?" The rem pod goes off in response. The ovules spit out a word again. 'Basement'. "Are you in the basement?" The rem pod starts going crazy. "I think that is a yes.." Tessy says. I grab the Emf out of my pocket and walk to the closet. It starts spiking. The rem pod goes silent when the ovules start: 'Forest' 'boys' 'evil'.

I look at Tessy. "Try to contact the boys" Tessy does as she is told and starts trying to get contact. But no luck. It's radio silent. "Colby please answer if you can hear this.." Tessy says. I look at her as the rem pod goes crazy again. I grab Tessy's wrist and we walk out of the house. "Where are we going? we don't even know how to get to the graveyard.." I stop in my tracks. "Fuck you're right.." We wait outside and after 30 minutes we finally see a glimpse of two boys walking our way. Colby starts running towards Tessy. "Everything okay? Why are you guys outside?" He says while hugging her. Sam walks over to me as I grab his face and look if he isn't hurt. "What's wrong with you two? Sam looks concerned. "God you look okay.. do you feel okay?" I ask Sam. "I am totally fine, my love." he says and gives me a kiss.

We walk back inside and grab the stuff Tessy and I left upstairs. We only had the camera with us. "So we wanted to investigate the basement.. But I don't think you guys want to after this." Colby asks. I look at Tessy. She is exhausted. "I will stay here with Tessy." I say as I sit next to her on the couch. Sam gives me a kiss. "Be careful okay?" I ask. "Will do my love" and with that they walk away.


It's been 30 minutes. The guys are still in the basement as we hear the door rumble. I walk to the door and see it's locked. I open it as Colby and Sam storm through. Colby hugs Tessy and Sam hugs me. "Okay, now you guys are acting weird." I say with a small chuckle. "We did the estes methode and some entity said he was going up. "We panicked.." Sam says. "And then the door was locked.." Colby finishes.

Tessy holds Colby's face. "It's okay. We are fine." She tells him. Sam and Colby packed their stuff and we left. We drove to the hotel we booked. Sam and I walked to our room when we said our goodnights to Colby and Tessy. We walked into the room as we got ready for bed. Sam checked my scratches again and placed a kiss on each one. We cuddled up in bed and fell asleep soon after.

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