Chapter 2: The Duties of a Maid

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It wasn't much later that Tilda sat in the servant's commons with the other gossiping maids.

Tilda was asking about Lady Cosaria, "So she's an illegitimate child?"

Maddy, the oldest and most plain of the maids, nodded.

"Yes. The count was blackout drunk when he had an affair with a priestess. The priestess died but not before sending the count a note about the girl. That's when she was first taken in, I heard," Maddy said.

Juliet hushed the group, "Shhhh! Quiet down." Her perfect ringlets bouncing up and down in her worried frenzy.

Maddy whispered, "I've been working here for six years and I didn't find out the whole story until just a few months ago."

"Has the abuse been going on for that long?" Tilda asked.

Maddy said, "As far as I know. Poor creature."

Tilda said, "I don't think I've seen people so cruel."

Juliet spoke up, "Don't let the family hear you say that. They'll have us all fired."

Tilda clenched her fist. This wasn't right and neither was cowering just to please their superiors.

Tilda said, "There has to be something we can do. We can't let ourselves stoop to their level of cruelty."

Maddy and Juliet exchanged nervous glances. Talk like that could easily put their own livelihood in danger, however, they too felt the urge to help. What they could do, however, they didn't know.


The morning meeting was a daily event, held in the servant's commons, where household servants were given their assignments by either the Head Maid or the Head Butler. At the Baxarte estate, it was the most hated event of the day, simply because the servants knew they would have to interact with the Baxarte Head Maid, a horrible vicious old woman with a vindictive backbite and short, nibbled fingernails.

It was at this moment that she was already barking out her orders, "Weed the garden, change the sheets, dishwashing duty" etc.

As Tilda looked around the room she tried to make a mental note of those she could trust. Those who still had a heart. Most of the other servants had already turned a blind eye to the blight of Lady Cosaria. Some even embraced it. The Baxarte Head Maid herself often referred to Lady Cosaria as 'the pest'.

The Baxarte Head Maid pointed to Maddy, "Give the pest dirty water."

Maddy responded, "Right away."

Tilda read a pained expression as she locked eyes with Maid Maddy. Tilda slyly moved to stand next to her.

Whispering, Tilda said, "Let her know I'll come by later to give her clean water."

Maddy nodded and left the meeting to attend her duties.

Tilda wasn't afraid of the risk if she got caught. To her, the result was worth the risk.


Later that day Tilda snuck into Cosaria's shack-like room in the worst part of the estate. Cosaria had no bed, just a blanket and some hay.

Cosaria was staring out the window. She often did that, as if she were keeping a vigil.

Tilda placed the water down on a small wooden table and pulled out a book from her large apron pocket.

"I brought you a book," Tilda said.

Cosaria smiled. She loved Tilda, the only one who showed her kindness.


The Lady's MaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora