Chapter 5: Rejection

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Delrik stood by the bookshelf in his study as the elegant Lady Cosaria sat on the opposite couch. He was trying to create distance between them. That's what she wanted after all.

He was thinking about how to start the conversation. Perhaps a few pleasantries. How's the day? The weather? Was the room to her liking? No, all that was too informal. What could he say? he contemplated.

Cosaria had been waiting in the room for a while and she wasn't sure what to do so finally she said, "What did you want to see me about your Lordship?"

"I see," Delrik said, "you'd like me to get to the point." Thinking about pleasantries had been a useless endeavor. It was obvious she wanted him to get to the point. "I don't want this marriage, neither do you. The King set this up to undermine me. To my regret, you and your family were dragged along in his little scheme. It's obvious this is all a sham. Go home. I'll make up some excuse and we'll call off the wedding. It's obvious you would not be suitable for someone in my circumstances anyway."

Delrik had given his speech to the wall, so he was unprepared when he glanced at Cosaria and found tears falling down her perfect cheeks. She wasn't saying anything.

Delrik winced as Cosaria stood up. She curtsied like a stiff board and Delrik swallowed hard.

Cosaria said, "Yes, thank you my Lord."

Then Cosaria moved her way to the door, passing Felux, who had been patiently manning the entrance. Felux opened the door for her and Cosaria ran down the hall in tears.

Delrik stood in shock, not able to comprehend the tender feelings of a tender girl.

Finally he turned to Felux and asked, "Was that harsh?"

"Aye," Felux said, "It might've been better if you'd just taken a battering ram to her." While Felux had expected Delrik to call off the engagement, he hadn't expected Delrik to full-on insult the Lady.

Delrik collapsed into one of the chairs, holding his head in his hands. He was incompetent in delicate situations such as these. He had taken a beautiful fresh flower and crushed it under his feet, ruining her.

Felux rolled his eyes. What a drama queen, he thought.


Cosaria was crying on her bed in a crumpled heap.

Tilda sat down beside her. She said, "It went that badly huh?"

Cosaria spoke into her pillows, creating a muffled effect to her already soft voice, "He said I wasn't suitable. There's no way he would ever come to love me."

Tilda sighed.

"We shouldn't have expected anything from that tyrant in the first place. I'm sorry, it's my fault for misjudging his character."

Cosaria sat up and grabbed Tilda's arm. She didn't want Tilda blaming herself after everything she had done for her.

Cosaria said, "No, it's my fault. I'm just not good enough."

Tilda said, "That's not true."

"I'll never be good enough for him and I'll never be good enough for my family." Tears began to increase their flow down Cosaria's face.

A small strand of fury creased Tilda's temper as she said, "Why should you care about what people, who don't care about you, think?"

Cosaria said, "They're my family."

"And they threw you away!" Tilda emphasized.

Cosaria burst into tears and flung herself back onto the bed. Tilda mentally kicked herself. Cosaria was already in an emotional state and here Tilda was, pricking a sore spot and tearing open bleeding wounds.

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