Chapter 9: Shopping

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Tilda thumbed through Cosaria's remaining dresses for what she would wear that day. She picked out the first one. Shabby, that's a no. She picked another. Frayed hem and sleeves. Absolutely not. The next were not much better. Faded cloth, splotchy cloth, was that a stain? No, no, and no.

Tilda said, "None of these will work! Curse that darn family of yours for neglecting their precious daughter's appearance!"

Cosaria said, "That's okay. This dress is fine."

Cosaria was wearing a second rate, last decade's style that was four sizes too big. Not only that, but the collar in the back was ripping.

Tilda palmed her forehead.

"Lady Cosaria," she began, "If you're going to represent the Dukedom for a year you need to present yourself as the finest of ladies. I'm talking, jewelry, makeup, shoes, dresses and fabrics, designer fashions from head to toe. But don't worry about looks, you're gorgeous." Tilda clutched the fabric of the dress she had been contemplating and complained, "It's these darn dresses!"

Cosaria said, "But I don't care about any of that."

Tilda had to squint at Cosaria's blinding goodness. Her purity was like a beacon of beaming light.

She's too pure, Tilda thought.

"My Lady," Tilda sighed, "It's not about what you want. It's about what's best for the Dukedom."

"I couldn't agree more," Delrik said standing in the doorway.

Tilda bowed deeply and greeted, "Lord Delrik!" The man moved like a ghost.

Cosaria gasped and curtsied. She too, had been taken by surprise.

"My Lord," she said in her innocent I'm-not-trying-to-entrance-you voice.

Delrik pushed into the room and asked, "What seems to be the problem?"

Tilda clamped her lips and glanced at Cosaria. Would she say anything about needing new dresses? This was the perfect opportunity. Go on, Cosaria. Speak up, Tilda thought.

Cosaria said, "Oh, nothing. I couldn't ask for anything from you my Lord."

That was disappointing. Tilda bowed again and interjected, "Forgive me Lord Delrik, she needs new dresses. Badly." If Cosaria wouldn't address the issue, Tilda would.

Cosaria said, "Not really. What I have is just fine."

Tilda picked up one of the dresses and openly displayed the sleeve to Cosaria. She said, "My Lady. The seams are fraying!"

Delrik said, "Let me see."

He approached and inspected the dresses. They were shabby. They were all shabby.

He tossed one back and said, "These drabs look like last decades hand-me-downs."

That's because they are, Tilda thought.

Delrik asked Cosaria, "Don't you have anything better?"

Cosaria looked at the floor and said, "I only have what my family provided."

Delrik frowned. Again with that nasty family. Something would need to be done about this injustice and it would need to be done immediately.

"Felux," Delrik said.

Felux poked his head in the door and said, "Aye Sir?"

Delrik said, "Prepare the carriage, we're going into town."

"Aye Sir."

Tilda grinned sinisterly at Cosaria. Her plan had worked perfectly. Now Cosaria would be getting new clothes.

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