Chapter 20: The Outer Estate

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Tilda maneuvered quickly through the halls as she carried a platter of the day's lunch. When she finally made it to Cosaria's room she set the platter down on a small table.

She said, "Sorry I'm late milady, the castle's all in a buzz with the upcoming trip."

She had been running all day, collecting and packing supplies. Every hand was needed for the work, the kitchen especially was working double time in preparing transportable meals.

"Upcoming trip?" Cosaria asked.

Tilda said, "Lord Delrik is planning some relief trip to the Southern area by the desert. It got hit with a terrible sandstorm or something. They requested aid and it seems the Duke is going to oversee it himself."

"A relief trip?" Cosaria said, "Do you think I could go too? I've never been to the desert."

"Uhhh..." Tilda said. It had been a while since the Spring Festival incident and it would be good for Cosaria to get out of the castle but Cosaria attracted trouble faster than manure attracted flies. It made her hesitate. She wasn't even sure if Delrik would allow Cosaria to come. She finally said, "Well, let's draft up a letter of request and see if he'll agree."


Derlik was busying himself in his office preparing his plan for supply distribution. He had records of how much supplies had been requested and how much supplies had been collected. He needed to make sure the numbers matched.

Felux knocked lightly, opened the door and presented the letter to Delrik.

Felux said, "From the magnanimous Lady Arquix."

Lady Arquix my mother? That's not possible, Delrik thought.

"Lady Arqu- my wife?" Delrik said as he remembered he was married.

"Aye Sir."

Delrik snatched the letter, saying, "Felux, don't speak in riddles like that." Delrik had never once heard Cosaria referred to as Lady Arquix. But that was her title. They were married, even if it was only contractually. He wondered if she would even allow herself to be called by his name, Arquix. Why would she, when she won't even call him Delrik. It's always, 'Lord' or 'Duke'. For being married, she was always painfully formal. He would have to attempt to rectify that as soon as possible.

Delrik quickly opened the letter and scanned its contents. He said, "Hm... tell her I accept her request."


The carriage arrived as Cosaria stared out the window at the forsaken desert land. Crops, dead and wilting. A layer of sand covered houses, fences, barns, any available surface. The people trudged along with sunken hollow eyes. It was heart-breaking.

Delrik stepped out of the carriage first and held out his hand to Cosaria.

He said, "Here we are, Cosaria."

Cosaria took his hand as she descended out of the carriage, saying, "Thank you, Delrik."

Tilda watched as the Duke and Duchess blushed at the use of their names so informally in such a public setting.

Tilda thought, Well, I guess they figured that out.

Delrik had spent the majority of the carriage ride scheming ways to make Cosaria address him informally. Finally, he had insisted, saying something along the lines of, "It is good for our public image as Duke and Duchess." She had reluctantly agreed and spent the rest of the carriage ride psyching herself up to call the Duke by his first name with no titles attached. Neither of them had planned that being informal with each other would bring such heart-pounding excitement.

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