Chapter 25: Secrets Revealed

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His shoulder stung as Delrik bumped along in the carriage. It was a slow journey back to the castle and patience was not on his side.

Grimacing, Delrik applied pressure to his shoulder, trying to work out the pain.

Cosaria noticed, "Are you hurt?"

Delrik was sweating but didn't want to acknowledge any form of weakness. He said, "I'm fine."

The carriage came to a stop. Already it was night. Just that morning Felux had taken that maid and left without permission.

A knock at the carriage door and a knight saying, "We're stopping here for the night," informed Delrik of what he already knew.

His breathing became heavy, his shoulder felt like it was on fire. He told one of the knights, "I'll be in the woods just a distance away. Make sure nobody comes near unless they have a death wish."

"Understood," The knight said.

Delrik nodded and walked away. Once out of sight, his balance wavered and he leaned against a tree. Clutching his head, he continued into the tree cover.

A short time later, after camp had been set up and dinner had been eaten, Cosaria watched as the knights chatted around the fire. Her eyes searched for Delrik. His absence keenly felt in her heart.

She thought, He still hasn't returned. I'm worried. I'll go check on him.

Standing up, Cosaria grabbed a loaf of bread. I don't think he's eaten yet either, She thought as she snuck into the forest.

In the distance, Cosaria saw the moon's reflection in a small spring. Her breath caught in her throat when from the spring emerged Delrik. Water cascaded down his rippling chest and chiseled ten-pack abs. A black scar with a slight red glow draped his body from the chest, cresting his shoulder and ending at his back.

"Eep!" Cosaria said as she hid behind a tree.

Having heard the intruder, Delrik silently grabbed his trousers and a sword.

Cosaria peeked out from behind the tree. Delrik was nowhere to be seen as Cosaria took a cautious step towards the spring.

Flinching back, a sword being pressed to her throat, Cosaria dropped the bread.

Delrik, the weilder of the sword said, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I... I am... bringing you dinner. I thought... I thought you'd be... be hungry. You looked... I was worried."

Delrik glanced at the dropped bread.

He said, "You? Worried about me? You really should worry about yourself more. Arg!"

He grabbed his shoulder as he doubled over in crippling pain. The mark on his shoulder glowed brighter.

Cosaria took a step forward, Delrik's grip on the sword having faltered. Cosaria said, "Delrik! What's happening? Is it the scar?"

Breathing heavily, sweat perspiring down his face, Delrik glared at Cosaria and said, "It's a curse mark."

After what she had discovered, there was no stopping her from finding out the full truth. The only task left would be to kill her for knowing.

He held the sword back up to her throat, saying, "Now do you understand?"

Cosaria blinked a few times. She said, "That's why you need holy water. You, you're cursed!" Cosaria's hand reached out, moving on its own. It wanted to comfort Delrik. He looked to be in such pain, such torment.

Delrik pivoted the sword, which remained at Cosaria's throat as he brought his body inches away from hers. With venom on his tongue he asked, "What kind of fool reaches out to a cursed man?"

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