Chapter 26: The Curse

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Delrik and Cosaria were riding back in the carriage. Looking worried, Cosaria nervously shifted in her seat.

Delrik asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Fidgeting, Cosaria said, "No, I... well..."

"Go ahead. Speak up."

"I just. I'm so curious. I wonder." She paused, then said, "How?"

"How what?"

Cosaria looked out the window as if doing so was some form of hiding. She mumbled, "Is it okay for me to ask?"

Delrik said, "Should it be in my power, I'll answer you."

"How did you, how were you cursed?"

Leaning back, Delrik's clouded over in darkness as the memories resurfaced.

Panicked, Cosaria said, "I know, I'm so sorry. I just should not have asked."

"No, it's fine." Delrik said, contemplating his words. After a few taps of his finger he continued, "You deserve to know, I suppose it involves you now. I was about fourteen years of age..."

Delrik began his tale:


"Felux had started as my bodyguard servant, but it took no time at all for him to start calling me a friend."

A young Delrik, with long angsty teenage hair, spared with a young Felux. Their wooden swords thunked fiercely each time they met. Delrik swung the sword in three intricate movements, cornering Felux. Without warning, a smile spread across Felux's face. Felux kicked Delrick down and had him pinned quicker than Delrik could realize he'd lost.

Laughing, Felux held out his hand to help Delrik up. Delrik spat on the ground and glared at Felux. Then, pouting, Delrik struggled to his feet without Felux's help.

Clapping, Mr. Haddock announced his presence. He was a friendly looking man, mid twenties, with small glasses and long hair tied in a polite low ponytail.

"My tutor, he was everything I aspired to be. Smart. Dedicated. Cunning. I looked up to him. We both did."

Mr. Haddock shook Delrik's hand and complimented his excellent growth in swordsmanship. Delrik's blush reached clear to his ears while Felux laughed, his wooden sword resting comfortably on his shoulder.

The memory turned dark.

"Then he turned on us. He was the leader of a group of zealots. I watched them murder my mother in cold blood."

Mr. Haddock unsheathed his sword and pointed for his crazed wild men to charge.

Delrik remembered his mother screaming, "Please! Spare my son!"

She had shielded Delrik when Mr. Haddock slashed. With terror filling his soul, a fourteen year old Delrik watched his mother fall to the ground. However, he wasn't given time to grieve.

Smiling, Mr. Haddock had grabbed the young Delrik.

"They took me to the basement and used me as a vessel to summon a demon."

In the basement at the Arquix castle, Delrik's body floated in the middle of a magic circle as black lightning bolts pulsed all around, striking Delrik's screaming body.

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