Chapter 10: Greeting the Inlaws

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Tilda was walking with the two other maids when they spotted the knights training in the field. Bess stopped and sighed out the window. She always wore her sandy blonde hair down around her shoulders. She said it made her look more desirable but none of the other maids in the castle agreed. They all thought she was being vain.

She said, "They are so attractive."

Deborah was the mature one of the group. As she looked down at the hard working knights she said, "Did you hear? Kevler and Morc are both fighting for a promotion."

Bess said, "I hope Kevler gets it. I sooo get lost in his eyes."

Deborah said, "But Morc's the better soldier."

Tilda joined her companions near the window. She asked, "Those are the two with dark hair, right?" She was still getting to know everyone in the castle, but the knights were people the maids took extra care in knowing and discussing.

Deborah clarified, "Kevler has the dark hair. Morc is the tan one with big muscles."

Tilda thought this was a good moment to capitalize on information. She asked, "What's up with that Sir Felux guy?" She spotted him at the head of the group, leading the training.

Deborah said, "Haven't you met him? That man is an angel."

Bess sighed deeply and said, "He's so kind, and sweet, and funny, and considerate. It helps that he's foreign."

Tilda smirked, "I was right. He is foreign."

Deborah said, "His accent makes it obvious. He's originally from the Central Provinces of Galtrum."

Tilda glanced at Bess, who was googly over the knights, and asked, "So everyone is in love with him?"

Bess said, "How could we not be? He's everything a woman would want."

Tilda leaned against the wall and said, "He sounds like a flirt."

"Sir Felux?" Bess said, "Not at all!"

Deborah said, "I don't think the word female has ever crossed his mind."

Tilda asked, "Why's that?"

Deborah explained, "He's so nice to everyone and he never shows anyone special attention. Nobody has ever even heard him talk about a girl before."

Bess lowered her voice and said, "I think he has a secret girlfriend in his home country that he writes to."

Debora said, "I think he's in love with Lord Delrik. His devotion is so unnatural and those two have an extraordinarily close relationship."

Bess said, "The mystery is part of the attraction."

"Does he often give gifts to people?" Tilda asked.

Bess said, "Not that I know of."

Deborah said, "I recall a time he once bought medicine when one of the maids was sick, but I don't really think that counts as a 'gift'. Why?"

Tilda's fingers ran over the beads on her bracelet. It was becoming more and more plausible that he considered her special, especially if he had  picked out a gift specifically for her.

"Just curious," she said.

Judging by their claims about Felux, his individual attention was rare, which made Tilda value it even more.


The castle was prepared for the arrival of the guests: The Baxarte household.

Delrik stood in his place near the interior entrance with Felux by his side. To his left stood Cosaria with Tilda supporting her from a few feet behind.

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