Chapter 4: Meeting Duke Arquix

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The carriage plowed along through the Red Forest. As the entourage came to a clearing the Coachman halted and said, "Let's stop here for lunch. And stay close to the path, there are monsters in these woods."

The Red Forest was known as dangerous territory, full of monsters and criminals. It surrounded the Arquix castle and made up most of the Arquix dutchy. It wasn't a safe place to travel at night but during the day, if traveler's stayed on the road, it was deemed safe.

Tilda and Cosaria sat together on the grass as Tilda handed Cosaria a sandwich.

Tilda said, "Here you are Lady Cosaria."

"Thank you," Cosaria said. Then she started crying and Tilda moved closer.

Tilda said, "Oh dear, what's wrong?"

Cosaria said, "You were always so nice to me. But now you have to go with me to live under a tyrant. I just can't do anything right."

Tilda said, "Milady, that's not true. You are sweet and beautiful. And I chose to be here."

Cosaria met Tilda's eyes and said, "You did?"

"Yes, I wanted to go with you. I'll do my best to continue to protect you. Even against a tyrant."

Tilda's arms wrapped around Cosaria as she crumbled into sobs.

Cosaria cried, "But what if you get killed because of me!"

Everyone has such high faith in my ability to stay alive, Tilda thought dryly.

Tilda said, "Then don't blame yourself. My death will be just that. My own fault and that will be that.

Unless it's the tyrant's fault, Tilda thought. While she was willing to take responsibility for her own actions, she wasn't above blaming the Duke for being heartless.

Cosaria whimpered, "But... but..."

Cosaria blinked as Tilda wiped away the tears from her face.

Tilda said, "Now you've reddened your beautiful face. If only you weren't so cute, then maybe the Duke would reject you and you could run away and be happy."

Cosaria pushed Tilda's hand away from her face. She said, "If I wasn't so cute?"

Tilda brushed Cosaria's hair out of her eyes and said, "Yup."

A serious expression overshadowed Cosaria's face.

"How do I not be cute?" Cosaria asked.


Cosaria said, "I'll make the Duke not like me."

Tilda said, "I don't think that's going to have the effect you want."


Tilda frowned as Cosaria's big eyes pleaded for help. She was like an adorable puppy dog, so innocent, so pure. How could Tilda say no to that face?

"Tell you what," Tilda said, "You can't control how the Duke will feel about you, but I can teach you a trick that will make you unattractive."

"You can?" Hope surged through Cosaria. Her eyes glittered like shining stars. She truly was the epitome of cuteness.

Tilda rephrased her statement, "Well, it can make you less attractive at the least. Works for me everytime."

Cosaria waited with bated breath.

"You hawk a loogie."

Cosaria repeated, "Hawk a loogie?"


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