Chapter 16: Festival

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Tilda was running errands in the market, which seemed to be busier than normal. She had a basket full of fruit and a small scrap of paper with the words: plums, pears, oranges, apples, melon. She was adding apples to her basket when she turned to the shop owner and asked, "Do you have any melons?"

"Oh sure," The shop owner said, "We've got them on a special deal for the festival."

"The festival?" Tilda wondered.


Fast forward and Tilda sat in the library with Cosaria explaining the intel she received from the shopkeeper earlier that day.

Tilda said, "It's the annual spring festival to celebrate the changing seasons. There will be dancing, and food, and games, and shopping, and all kinds of celebrations."

Cosaria said, "I've never been to a festival before. Is it safe?"

"Of course it's safe," Tilda said. Just because it was a festival for commoners didn't mean it was dangerous.

Cosaria asked, "Do you think the Duke would let me go?"

Tilda remembered how the Baxartes never allowed Cosaria to go to any celebrational function, whether it be for nobility or for commoners. Cosaria needed to know that things were different now. She said, "You're the Duchess, you don't have to ask permission for every little thing you do."

"I don't?"

Tilda said, "No."

"Oh. Do you think...?" Cosaria paused.

Tilda asked, "What?"

"Maybe he'd like to come with us."

Tilda shrugged, "Maybe."

Cosaria fiddled with her fingers as she said, "Maybe he wouldn't. I don't want to bother him."

"You can ask and if he doesn't want to go, he'll say no."

Cosaria said, "Oh I don't know."

Tilda said, "You're overthinking it, just go ask him."

"Can't you do it?" Cosaria said in her most pleading, helpless, entreatable voice. She puffed out her lip and battered her big eyes. It was her most effective puppy dog pleading to that day.

Unfortunately for her, Tilda was immune.

Tilda said, "Is that a command, or are you just being weak?"

Cosaria swayed feebly, saying, "But I'm scared. I wish he would ask me."

Tilda rolled her eyes then said, "Do you want to ask him or not?"

"Yes. Maybe," Cosaria said as a fickle decision maker, "Maybe I can write him an invite?"

Tilda perked up, "That's a great idea!" It was a miracle. Cosaria was learning problem solving skills.

"I can, I can do that?" Cosaria questioned.

Tilda said, "You're the Duchess. You can do anything."


Fast forward and Felux handed Delrik the finished invite.

As Delrik opened the letter he said, "What is this?"

He began reading with Felux peeking over his shoulder:

Upon the most humble of proposals, the Duke's inestimable presence is petitioned from the evening hours of seven to nine on the day of the Spring Festival as requested by the Duchess. Should a reply be in convenience of the Duke's potentialities, then please issue the verdict before the stipulated date. In departing salutations, signs the devoted Lady Cosaria.

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