Chapter 22: Tilda's Detour

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Traveling back to the castle, the Duke's entourage stopped for lunch and Tilda helped prepare the food. As she peeled carrots her eyes focused on the other side of the valley.

Noticing Tilda's distracted gaze, Felux asked, "Somethin out there?"

Tilda said, "My hometown is just a few miles from here. My family lives there."

Felux said, "That's not far. When've you seen them last?"

"A little over two years. I stopped visiting when I returned to the Baxarte estate only to find Cosaria half beaten to death and lying cold on the ground. They understand why I haven't visited, but it's hard."

"You miss them?"

"I do," Tilda said, "But their letters help. My younger brother, he's afraid I won't recognize him because he's grown so big."

Felux asked, "How old's he?"

"Fifteen. What about you? Do you have family?"

"Aye, but they're none close by. Doesn't bother me, though, I'd say Lord Delrik's the same as kin to me."

"That helps when you miss your family, doesn't it? To have someone nearby that you're close to?"


Tilda said, "I'm thinking about asking Lady Cosaria if she'd let me visit tomorrow, but... I don't know if it's possible. If I went, I'd get back to the manor later than everyone. I'm not sure if Lady Cosaria will be alright on her own without me, and if anything were to happen."

Felux said, "How about I go with you? We'd take my horse and if we left in the morning we'd be back to the manor same time as everyone else."

"That... just might work. But don't you need to protect the Duke?"

"He can take care of himself."

Tilda asked, "Would he even agree to it?"

Felux grinned.


Early the next morning, before the sun had even risen, Cosaria watched as Tilda slid her bag over her back.

Tilda asked, "Are you sure you'll be okay without me?"

Cosaria said, "I have Lord Delrik."

"Yeah, I don't know if that makes me feel better."

Cosaria said, "Tell me all about your family when you get back."

"I will."

Felux quickly approached the chatting women and said, "Let's go."

Tilda said, "Now?"

"Aye," Felux said as he glanced over his shoulder nervously.

Tilda hugged Cosaria then she and Felux made their way to his horse. Felux helped Tilda on the horse as he took one last glance behind him. Without further waste, he mounted his stead and set the horse at a gallop. The faster they got away, the less time Delrik had to stop him.

Delrik came out of his tent just in time to see the back of Felux's horse disappear behind a few scattered trees. Delrik leaned against the carriage as he said, "He really took off just like that."


After covering enough distance, Felux slowed the horse to a steady canter. He took a sigh of relief knowing they were far enough away.

Tilda finally asked, "So what did you say to Lord Delrik?"

Felux grinned at the memory:

That morning, without warning, Felux had barged into Delrik's tent and announced, "I'll be going to meet Tilda's parents and be back at the manor in two days. Keep Lady Cosaria safe and don't do anything weird as I'm gone."

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