Chapter 8: The Contract

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Cosaria sat on the couch, looking over a piece of paper as Tilda entered with a tray of midnight tea.

Tilda put the tray down on the small table as she said, "You're up late. I brought tea in case you were having a hard time sleeping."

Cosaria smiled with her otherworldly innocence while saying, "You always know just what I need."

Cosaria's smile was so sweet and cute that Tilda wondered if it had the power to turn ferocious panthers into harmless kittens. The thought made her laugh as she poured Cosaria's tea.

"What do you think about this?" Cosaria asked as she held out the papers for Tilda to read. "Lord Arquix wants me to sign a contract but I'm not sure."

Tilda took the contract saying, "Oh yeah?"

As Tilda read, Cosaria sipped her tea. Cosaria thought about her meeting with Delrik earlier that day. What had he been thinking at the time? She had no idea:

Delrik had barged into Cosaria's room. His mind had been reeling with everything that had happened. The maid's explanation of Cosaria's terrible family. The monster attack. The divine powers. Perhaps there was a way they could all benefit. However, when he saw her again, his mind went blank and he had to take a moment to regain himself. Again, he had been caught off guard by how beautiful she was; Like a flower glittered with dew drops basking in the golden hours of the morning. Her beauty was so natural yet every moment in her presence was one that could never be conjured again. It was precious.

Delrik cleared his throat, regaining himself, he said, "I have a proposition that I think will be mutually beneficial. One year, a contract marriage, during which time you will provide me with holy water using your divine powers, and after the year, I will give you my diamond mine in the south."

Cosaria placed a finger on her chin as she tilted her head. She said, "It sounds fair, except I don't know how to make holy water."

Delrik put his hands behind his back and said, "You can learn. I've heard it's not hard for those with potent divine powers."

Cosaria leaned towards Delrik with clasped hands and big, puppy dog eyes. In her most hopeful and innocent voice she said, "Do you really think I can?"

She was so close now they were almost touching. Delrik caught the slight scent of rose and it was driving him crazy. He looked away and brought his hand up to cover the slight blush coloring his cheek. He cleared his throat and said, "I believe you are capable of the task."

He believed in her? Cosaria's face instantly turned red as her heartbeat skipped rapidly. Her words came out stuttering as she said, "Then, maybe, I'll agree."

"Great," he said, "I'll have Felux drop off a contract later tonight."

Why hadn't he written the document beforehand? As it stood now, he had nothing to offer her but his word. It wasn't like him to be so underprepared and unprofessional.

It wasn't long after that that Delrik left the room and Felux delivered the document later. From then, Cosaria had spent the next couple of hours reading it over, struggling to make a decisive choice as to whether or not to sign it, which led to the moment with Tilda, reading over the document.

Tilda finished reading the contract. The terms were simple: Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Cosaria Evangeline Baxarte would be married for a year, after which the marriage would be annulled. Cosaria would provide Delrik with a weekly supply of holy water, as much as she was capable of making. During the annulment, after the year timeframe, the deed to the southern Arquix mine would be given to Lady Cosaria. Under no circumstances were either couple expected to fulfill the personal and/or intimate roles of husband and wife.

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